Wednesday, December 07, 2022

What is the biggest lesson you learned that no one teaches?

  1. Life doesn’t ever get better
  2. You can have the perfect job and can be making 500k a year and still not be happy.
  3. Not everyone is your friend.
  4. Doing the wrong thing is easier than doing the right thing.
  5. Never depend on anyones opinions for your happiness.
  6. Life could be worse, appreciate that your alive.
  7. Perfect practice makes perfect.
  8. You are going to hit rock bottom eventually, you just have to learn how to climb back up.
  9. Don’t do everything solo, having good people by your side can be a big advantage.
  10. Not everyone will agree with you and thats okay.
  11. Agree to disagree, arguements aren’t worth anything.
  12. Don’t assume, if you don’t ask, you will never know anything.
  13. No matter how smart you are or think you are, there is always something to be learned about in life.
  14. Your first love won’t be your forever love.
  15. Even the happiest people have hard days.
  16. Don’t compare your life to others.
  17. Mother does know best.
  18. Don’t take a young persons advice, old people have probably experienced more crucial things in life.
  19. Happiness isnt permanent but its also temporary.
  20. It is important to let go. If you don’t let go, you will never be happy.

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