Saturday, December 17, 2022

How do you quickly recognize a manipulative person?

  1. They quickly and out of the blue talk about politics. Anytime someone does this I smell rat...They want to see where you land this way so they can agree with your ideology and easily con you into thinking they are someone they are not. Then they say they don't understand people who are the opposite of their (your) beliefs and or political leanings. This lays the groundwork to build trust from you and easily manipulate you in the future. Some do this to feed off of your emotional reactions..
  2. They are successful (or not) and they talk down about people. When anyone does this I know this person is someone who I can never trust. Especially if they talk down about someone who is popular or well known in our shared community.
  3. They compliment you. I cannot trust someone who compliments me early on as I have seen this to many times in the start of a narcissist relationship or friendship. It is called the idealization phase and it is meant to trick you into building trust so the person can take advantage of you later.
  4. There is a conflicting pattern that quickly emerges. They say they are liberal and then make a weird statements like: “I set my Facebook to get conservative messages because I don't get conservative media as it's mostly liberal” Or: “I don't understand why my brother is conservative? I'm not this way. Why do you think he thinks this way?” Do you see the conflicting pattern? Someone should not have to convince you they are who they say they are. I hope you can as it is the key especially if it repeats itself early in a relationship.
  5. They used to be nice and friendly, warm and nonjudgmental and then they suddenly turn negative and talk about how they have been treated poorly by people. And, this behavior doesn't stop..
  6. They seem to perfect. Perfect smile. The perfect philanthropist. The perfect teacher. The perfect and completely moral pastor. The perfect politician. The perfect beautiful woman. The perfect well dressed male. These people will charm their way into your life and steal you blind…
  7. They are incredibly wealthy. How you build wealth like this is completely done by manipulating someone. Either to spend way more money on something that costs nowhere near that price to make it or by paying someone below what they truly are worth. I trust absolutely zero rich people as every one of them I have known has been a master manipulative narcissist.
  8. They agree with everything you say. You love hot tortilla chips? They do too. You love to ski? They do too. You love to sleep all day Sunday? They do too. They don't seem to have anything favorite of their own. They don't have any hobbies, interests or favorite restaurants as in the beginning they just mirror back everything that you like instead.
  9. They quickly change the topic you were talking about to be about them. This is, by far the easiest way to spot a narcissist manipulator hands down…
  10. Things they say sound to good to be true, unbelievable, an incredibly easy way to make money, etc…
  11. Something just seems off. You get a weird feeling in your gut. Ignore this feeling to your own peril… DO NOT ignore this warning sign!
  12. They like to tell long stories. This is primary psychopath behavior and a great way to spot them as they are master story tellers. These people LOVE to dupe you into thinking they have your best interest at heart, that they have your back and understand your plight. And you are sold, hands down into thinking they care about you and that they are a nice person when the reality is they are laughing inside knowing full well they are easily tricking you for your vote and out of your hard earned money…
  13. They say and do crazy, stupid and outrageous things to grab the headlines and or your attention. And you easily are swayed emotionally by their outrageous behavior. Know if you are reacting to these statements that you are absolutely being manipulated by them and you had no idea they were doing that to you.

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