Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Is sixty too old to rebuild your life after losing everything?

I am 59, and 5 years ago I became single and walked out with just the clothes on my back. It felt devastating as I started on the streets of London at 11 years old. I had a comfortable financial life with 3 businesses, a home, several vehicles, and credit through my yang yang.

It is a habit of mine to walk away from everything when I am not wanted anymore. I have done this 3 times, and gone from nothing to success again.

I now realize that at my age it is hard to re build. I have a job, an apartment, a car, and am comfortable, yet no drive to rebuild. For what? To give it away again? I find at my age no one is interested in partnering with an older man without a nest egg. I find that my attraction in the past was because of my position in life. This all saddens me. I won't however lower myself to arguing over chattels and money. That had nothing to do with the reasons I was in relationships.

It's a different life I have now, where when I'm not working, I can build me. I can spend time on doing what I like, like hiking, reading, writing, experimental mind journeys. Feeling joy, instead of trying to people please, or heal, or counsel.. I can leave my work at work. I can build my spiritual space, and am starting to draw and paint the beauty I see. I believe relationships are a teacher that can be a ‘hard-task-master.’

My life is much different now, and there are times when I am lonely and sad, but many other times when I experience joy and happiness. Life is a journey that builds us as long as we are the observer searching for our elusive truth — an adventure of becoming. I would not have it any different, other than having someone to snuggle with.

WOW!! So many up votes. Thank you so much.

I have been thinking a lot about this question, and I realized many of us are where I am. Another thought is that there are no accidents. I spent over 37 years in relationships, trying hard to make them work, and 5 years ago it felt like my spirit said, “enough is enough.” It created the space I needed to contemplate my own humanity and what it means. I am thankful for this time. Even if I do start again with someone, I realize now that I would be so different. Starting again at any age is hard, rewarding, and illuminating.

Thanks again.

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