Friday, February 17, 2023

How do you keep running every day?


I’ve been running every day since May 24, 2021 (today was Day 631!).

Yeah, I’m addicted to it now.

I’m sharing my story because when I first tried running every day back in 2020, I injured my ankle during a run and was sidelined for a few weeks. I would have avoided that if I listened to my body. This is your warning that running every day is risky.

And even when you start running every day, remember, keep your easy days easy!

If you are a beginner, this is not for you.

It is better to build a foundation over months and years of easy runs and recovery days then it is to run every day.

Play the long game first then come back.

Once it becomes hard to take a recovery day off then that is when you know you are ready.

Running becomes a habit.

All right, here’s a checklist on how to make running every day easy:

  1. Track your Streak: One of the best ways to build a habit and stay motivated for the long-term is to see how for you have come. Each milestone (10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 100, 200, 300, 365 days) gives a huge mental boost. The first 100 are the hardest, but then it feels easy.
  2. Who You Run With: Never run alone. If you are not running with a friend or a run club, listen to your favorite artist for motivation. Create a Spotify playlist that makes you want to dance. Runners and Artists give you energy.
  3. What to Prep: Set your shoes and clothes out the night before your run. If you run in the morning, set it in your room so you see it right when you wake up. If you run at night, pack your clothes and shoes the day before in a gym bag.
  4. Where to Run: Create a portfolio of your favorite routes near your home or work. Where have you already been training? You know these tracks, trails and streets like your own home, so you are confident going into these runs.
  5. When to Run: Run at the same time everyday. Block out the time on your schedule when it is the best time for you to run. The more consistent you are, the easier this gets. If your health is a priority, do it first thing in the morning every day after waking up so there are no excuses.
  6. Listen to your Body: You will know your body better than anyone if you built a base first. Recovery is key. If you aren’t recovering between runs, then walk. Go back to the foundations. Easy days, healthy nutrition, and adequate sleep are the foundation.
  7. Why Do You Run: There will be days that are going to be hard. Shitty weather. Low energy. Always remember why you started and who you are running for. We get to run.

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