Friday, February 17, 2023

Retiree should have the right to live with whoever they like

This is a culture bound question, in India there are not a lot of aged care homes, in China they are growing but people feel cut off from their traditional grandma/grandpa roles. People want to stay connected and useful, I get it but as we spread out over the globe it is not so easy to do so. Traditional ways of just taking in mom for instance doesn’t work so easily if there are immigration restrictions and you are in a new country. So even if you wanted to do this, it is a challenge.

Often the ‘retired’ person wants to take a break from ‘working’ meaning doing stuff around the house, to answer the question, playing golf may be more fun than being consigned to some menial task that you are not very good at, at your adult child’s home.

In general, people also want to remain independent and we have seen that staying in your home increases your lifespan. While millions perhaps a billion or 2 Asians have staying with their adult children as their retirement plan, (why? Not just tradition, but also as they invested or co-invested with their children), the western method is have a pension and independence.

I could put a thousand images of happy people like this:

My parents, brother a sister and countless others this is retirement, not living in someone else’s home

My suggestion, don’t be judgmental, a retiree should have the right to do whatever the hell they want, live where and how they can afford and be with whoever they like, they have earned it.

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