Thursday, February 23, 2023

I hate being a dark skinned South Asian. How do I learn to love myself despite being ugly?

Having dark skin does not make you ugly, being ugly makes you ugly.

Models, actors, body builders, or just plain nice looking darker skinned South Asian people. It has to do with the symmetry of your facial features, a fit body and how much money and charisma you have.

It’s just like playing a video game and you choose random and you get random stats. Some are higher than others, so you need to grind to get those stats up to win the game.

Get in shape, practice good hygiene, gather resources, wealth, work on building up your EQ, and life should be less of a problem. I understand societal issues like colorism are found in South Asian countries but if you’re a handsome or a beautiful person and you’re dark skinned, you’re still attractive.

Very few people would pass on these attractive darker skinned people for someone ugly and pale, unless that ugly pale person also raised their stats in the wealth and charisma department. lol. I’ve seen the ugliest of men, Sloth from the Goonies slightly more attractive cousin, with beautiful women and ancient, elderly women looking like Yubaba from Spirited Away with young, attractive men. What do they have? MONEY. It’s certainly not their looks.

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