Friday, February 17, 2023

Why is your life beautiful?

Because I’m lucky as hell!

  • When my great grandfather chose one of his children to send to school, instead of choosing his first son, he chose Yah, the boy who would in time become my grandfather. Result: I grew up as the son of a dentist and I never even considered not having a doctorate of some sort.
  • When I fell in a well that was 12-meters deep as a 6-year old child, unable to swim, instead of dying like I was supposed to, I, well, didn’t! Turns out, the well was dry. It hurt like hell, but I lived to tell the tale.
  • When my mom decided to leave my country because of the deteriorating political and economic situation, she could only afford to pay for two of her four children. She chose the two youngest. Result: I moved to the U.S. less than a year before a civil war started in my country.
  • School came easy to me. My teachers helped me a ton. I was very poor once I moved to this country. Some of them gave me clothes. Some gave me little jobs so they could pay me a bit of money. Some paid for my AP exams. You know one of them.
  • I was impervious to peer pressure as a teen. Result: I never got in trouble as an adolescent.
  • When I went to a community college because that’s all I could afford, a counselor there helped me find a scholarship to attend a university and become a nurse.
  • Unlike millions of other illegal immigrants who overstay their visas, I was granted political asylum after living in the country for 5 years.
  • I have loved and been loved by wonderful women who helped me grow into a compassionate individual and a better lover. My first adult girlfriend demanded an orgasm every single time. Result: I learned to become a pleaser. ;)
  • After a few years of working as a nurse and taking pre-med requirements, I was accepted to an excellent med school and given a huge scholarship that limited how much I would have to borrow.
  • I was lucky enough to struggle in my first two years of med school and to finally learn to have compassion for those struggled with academics or other things I excelled at.
  • I have a voracious appetite for learning that helped me grow into the intellectual I am today.
  • I’m generally healthy (as far as I know) and pretty good at controlling what I eat. Also, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. I could look at a room full of cupcakes or anything with frosting on it all day and not even be remotely tempted.
  • I’ve stumbled into a medical specialty that is relatively gentle and allows me to pursue my other intellectual interests.
  • Also, I’m fairly attractive… I think! =D

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