Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Is Canada really the best country to live in?


Oh hell no. I am a Canadian myself, but I do still believe living in Europe (we’re excluding warzones and Russia + Belarus) is better. Our winters here are literally brutal, summers sometimes are too. There’s a lot of negative things that not many people know or talk about because that would ruin Canada’s ‘amazing’ reputation!

No country is the ‘best’ to live in. It all depends on what you like. Do you like nature, don’t mind brutal temperatures, and want a overall good country with all the good things a country has? Pick Canada 100%. Do you want a more warm country, that’s more famous, has good sports, and that has good food? Go to the United States! It all depends on YOU. I don’t choose what you countries you like, that has the traits you want.

pictures below of canada

We have beautiful nature.

We are home to world’s 3rd best city according to the internet, and what I though call the ‘best’ city, Calgary.

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