Monday, February 06, 2023

Wisdom Comes With Age

Brett Wright

What is the saying 'wisdom comes with age' referring to? Is there any truth behind it? If so, how can we prove it scientifically or logically?

The answer is not as confusing or needs confirming as you may think.

People make mistakes. Lots and lots AND LOTS of mistakes over their life time.

As you get older you learn, that you are both good and bad at things, done things you enjoy regardless of your competency level. Some things you hate.

You find out what qualities in a person you truly respect, most of them you didn't have but you've learned how to have those qualities so you can be someone you respect.

Other qualities you learn are not compatible with who you are.

'Wisdom' is the accumulation of life lessons. Lessons that were a defining point for you but may pass another completely, without even disturbing a hair on their head.

'Wisdom' is learning from your mistakes, knowing that something is going to happen because you've either done that before or done similar things before and watched it unfold.

You don't have to test whether people are wiser when they are older. You can just talk to them. They know things you don't, things about life, what is actually important, love and what makes the world go round.

Talk to them, but mostly, listen to them.

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