Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Karma and character. How fate is formed

The word " karma " in Sanskrit means activity, deeds. Each of our actions has a cause and effect, this principle underlies the cause-and-effect law of karma. Whether we like it or not, absolutely every action we take has short-term or long-term consequences.

Every regular action forms a habit and a certain type of thinking ( vasana ). Habits shape our character, and character shapes our destiny.

The character of a person is one of the functions of his subtle body of mind. The subtle body of the mind does not die with the death of the gross body, but passes into a new body together with the soul.

Therefore, the character of the child will not change as quickly as we would like, since habits have already been formed in past incarnations. The process of growing up simply gradually reveals the character of the child, just like a flower opens. The duty of parents is to stimulate positive character traits and not provoke the appearance of negative ones, but we must understand and accept that, nevertheless, vicious habits from a past life can still sprout against our will.

It is important that parents do not just talk about what is right and what is wrong, but they themselves try to be an example of a righteous life. Because children do not look at what their parents say, but only imitate what their parents do themselves. It is useless to explain to a child that smoking is harmful if his parents smoke themselves, in this case it will be only right for parents to quit smoking and set an example of a clean lifestyle.

The character of a person changes very slowly and its manifestations can be very diverse. Habits to change are not easy or quick, so it requires a certain perseverance, patience and a willingness to experience some discomfort for the sake of future happiness.

There are manifested character traits and unmanifested ones, which will appear later in the corresponding astrological period. Unmanifested traits are embedded in the personality, just as information about a mango tree is embedded in a mango seed. After all, an apple tree cannot grow from a mango seed. Also in children. The character is inherent in the child from birth, even if it has not yet had time to fully manifest itself.

Only three factors can influence a person’s character: parental upbringing, the person’s environment (whom he communicates with, whom he listens to) and the person’s own actions.

Real education is patiently exposing a person's character in a positive direction, not just stuffing the mind with information

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