Thursday, February 02, 2023

King Constantine and Queen Ann-Marie

The love story of King Constantine and Queen Ann-Marie is one for the books. Both met very young and it was love at first sight. Their engagement soon was announced in January of 1963. Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark was 16 years old.

The then Prince Constantine had won the gold medal in the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome:

The couple got married at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens, Greece, on September 18th, 1964, just months after Constantine’s sudden accession to the Greek Throne.

A very young Prince of Wales and Princess Anne accompanied by their grandmother, Princess Alice of Greece and Denmark (Princess Alice of Battenberg) were guests at the wedding. The Princess Royal was one of the bridesmaids, bottom left:

Political unrest in Greece led to a short reign for King Constantine which ultimately led to exile. King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie had five children and lived mostly in London.

King Constantine passed away on January 10th, 2023. His funeral was held in his beloved Greece. Queen Anne-Marie wore the same diamond cross pendant that she wore at her wedding in 1964 for the funeral:

Queen Anne-Marie was comforted by her five children: Princess Alexia, Crown Prince Pavlos, Prince Nikolaos, Princess Theodora, Prince Philippos and her sisters, Queen Margrethe of Denmark and Princess Beneditke.

Pictures from public sites

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