Sunday, September 29, 2024

Character Traits of Negative People

  • They are highly critical of others.
  • They gossip and may use it against you or whomever they are gossiping about.
  • They try to make you feel small or inferior to them.
  • They are not trustworthy.
  • They don’t care how they make you feel, and completely disregard you.
  • They are patronizing.
  • They need to control everyone and everything.
  • They tell others what to do.
  • They are energy vampires.
  • They make you feel like you are never enough or you can do no right.
  • They are fault finders.
  • They are bossy, opinionated, and push unsolicited advice, usually amounting to negative opinions of you, combined with rude criticism.
  • They are judgmental.
  • They find something wrong in everyone and in every situation.
  • They focus on other people’s shortcomings and remind people of their flaws, insecurities, weaknesses, or mistakes.
  • They try to change you into who they want you to be.
  • They are envious but usually accuse you of being envious of them.
  • They focus on problems, not solutions.
  • They rarely apologize or take accountability.
  • They have numerous conflicts with friends and family.
  • They usually possess many other toxic traits, along with their negativity.
  • They don’t set goals and take the easy way out.
  • They dish it out, but can’t take it back.
  • They can’t ever be happy for you or your successes and secretly hope to see you fail.

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