Saturday, September 28, 2024

Tips to Keep Bananas Fresh

Profile photo for Bhagwan Sahai Meena

Tips to Keep Bananas Fresh: Banana is a fruit which is eaten in every Indian household. Hardly it would not be consumed in any house. Banana is the most common fruit eaten in breakfast. However, the reason behind this is the healthy properties of banana.

Banana works to provide instant energy to the body. Eating 2 bananas daily for breakfast will make you feel energetic throughout the day. But there is a problem with bananas, that is, no matter how yellow they are when brought home from the market, by the next morning their color starts turning black and they taste bad to eat. What can be done to keep them fresh? Know 3 secret tips given by food experts.

Keep bananas fresh like this

first trick

How is the freshness of the banana when brought from the market? The color and shape of the bananas will tell you about this. If the bananas are slightly raw, then never freeze them directly. You can keep these bananas in the kitchen for 2 days only. After this store in the fridge.

another way

To keep bananas fresh, it is advisable to cover their stems. But food experts say that instead of covering the stem of the banana with foil paper, store all the bananas separately and cover each banana. In this case, the bananas will remain fresh for a longer time and you will not have to open the stems of all the bananas again and again to eat them.

third solution

This trick is the most unique trick to keep bananas fresh. In this, a food expert told through his experience that while buying bananas from the market, he never bought a whole bunch of bananas. He always used to select one banana each from the bananas kept aside and buy it. The reason behind this he gave is that by buying bananas in this way, we can buy different bananas, some of which we can eat in the first 2 days, by then the rest of the bananas which are a little unripe will also get ripe. According to him, the time limit for ripening of all these bananas will be different, which is more beneficial.

Some other ways to keep bananas fresh

Keep the bananas upside down in a bowl at room temperature.

If the bananas are not very ripe, it would be better to hang them.

Do not store bananas in plastic bags

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