Sunday, September 22, 2024

If Kamala Harris is as crooked and corrupt as Trump says, why isn't she in court?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

She didn’t make her own daughter-in-law the head of the RNC, did she? Nor does she have a crackhead son. Or a son-in-law who got two billion from the Saudis… compared to other politicians, both on the Republican and the Democrat side, I don’t think Kamala Harris is anywhere near “corrupt and crooked”.

People have talked a lot about Kamala’s childlessness. As if it somehow makes her less competent or more of a liability for not having what some call “a tangible stake in the future”… but it also removes the risk of nepotism. No Hunter Biden’s laptop. No Lara Trump taking over the party. No Jared Kushner’s shady dealings with Saudi. I don’t think of her as particularly corrupt. Nor have I heard of any solid evidence of Harris being crooked. She doesn’t sniff the hair of young women. Doesn’t comment about how her daughter is so hot she’d date her. Didn’t ever buy a beauty pageant just to sneak into the dressing room and spy on the models.

Truth be told, there’s nothing to charge Harris with. So why should she be in court? She never groped anyone then slandered the victim. She never founded a scam “Harris Academy” and conned thousands out of their life savings. No personal bankrupcies, no failed casinos. No silver spoon upbringing. No friendship with dictators. No comments about “grabbing men by the dick” because her fame “lets her do it”.

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