Monday, September 30, 2024

Which fruits should not be eaten together?

Profile photo for Akshay Sharma

Fruits are delicious and packed with nutrients, making them a healthy choice for snacks and meals. However, some fruits don't mix well together and can cause stomach discomfort like gas or bloating. The following fruit combos should be avoided:

  • Melons with Other Fruits: Melons (like watermelon, and cantaloupe) should be eaten alone. They digest very quickly and If mixed with slower-digesting fruits, they can ferment and cause stomach problems. Example: Watermelon with bananas.
  • Acidic Fruits with Sweet Fruits: Avoid combining acidic fruits (like oranges, and grapefruits) with sweet fruits (like bananas, and apples). Oranges and grapefruits contain citric acid, which can increase the acidity in your stomach while Bananas and apples are sweeter fruits with natural sugars. When you eat acidic fruits with sweet fruits, the acid in the acidic fruits can slow down the digestion of the sweeter ones and can cause bloating, gas, or stomach upset.
  • Acidic Fruits with Starchy Fruits: When you combine acidic fruits such as lemons and pineapples with starchy fruits like bananas, you're mixing fruits with differing properties and digestion rates. The acids in acidic fruits can interfere with the activity of digestive enzymes and the digestion of starches can be delayed. This delay may lead to the fruits remaining in the stomach for a longer time, potentially causing fermentation and digestive discomfort.

In general, it's a good idea to listen to your body and observe how it responds to different fruit combinations. If you notice any discomfort or adverse reactions after consuming certain fruits together, you must avoid combining them in the future. However, for most people, enjoying a variety of fruits in moderation as part of a balanced diet is perfectly healthy. 

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