Saturday, November 16, 2024

How do you feel about homosexuality as a Muslim?

As a muslim, I’ll try answer this as simply as I can.

  • The Qu’ran does not teach that being homosexual (or part of the LGBT+ community) means you should be punished by death (or something else extreme.)
  • It is acknowledged that desires for the same sex are not seen as ‘impossible’ as it can happen, it is just the way some people feel.
  • Whilst we do not agree with homophobia, it is also said that if you do think you are (or are) homosexual or bisexual, whilst it is okay to realise that, you have to control yourself and it is preferable that you do not get into such relationships (or you will be reprimanded and have to ask for forgiveness, but not sentenced to death.).
  • The reason being heterosexual is seen as the right way for humans to act by Islam, is because biologically that is how procreation will work. (a man can get a woman pregnant, but a woman and woman or man and man cannot.) That is the way Allah made us to have children and it cannot work naturally any other way.

Listen. I’m a muslim and I’ve had friends who were homosexual, bisexual, etc. But I don’t condemn them for that or say harsh things regarding their sexual orientation. It’s okay to feel that way- it’s not weird at all. Many muslims however do not have too good an understanding to this fact however and simply accept what they already ‘know’. That it is unacceptable to be homosexual and such feelings deserve death.

Even if you feel you may be homosexual or bisexual, it is okay as long as you do not take action and be in a relationship with someone of the same sex. You can always ask for forgiveness to Allah, and He will not condemn you eternally for something you can’t control.

As a muslim, if I have a child in the future and they turn out to be homosexual, that, by no means whatsoever, means I am going to toss my own child out onto the streets for something they cannot control. However, that does mean that although I will acknowledge they feel that way, I can only tell them to try and restrain themselves from getting into physically intimate relationships with those of the same sex. Is it cruel? Many of you may say that, but that is just the way it is. This doesn’t mean I’ll force them to get into a relationship with those they are not attracted to, however. And I will not force an arranged marriage on my children either.

I myself am bisexual actually. However, I will not get into a physically intimate relationship with a girl and will only marry if I fall in love with a man. Because I have to restrain my desires towards those of the same sex.

So, yeah.

Islam is not supposed to be a homophobic religion.

Homosexual people do not deserve death or harsh punishment, simply beacuse of their feelings. We are human. it is normal.

Just, muslims are told to restrain those desires. They are not told they have to get married to someone of the opposite sex (By that I mean you will not be forced to get married if you don’t want to in your life, especially if you have no attraction to the opposite sex), but they should not have physically intimate relations with someone of the same biological sex.

I doubt many (if any) people will comment, but if you do, keep any harsh words or rude opinions to yourself.

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