Saturday, January 25, 2025

At what age does walking up and down stairs become too demanding simply due to aging?

Profile photo for Gopalkrishna Vishwanath

I don’t think you can fix a number as an answer to the question.

It will vary from person to person depending on how he has maintained his health.

I am assuming we are talking about elders who have no knee problems due to arthritis or any other ailment.

Till the age of 60, I could easily climb six floors slowly without rest at intermediate floors.

After I crossed 70, I found I could easily climb one story (10 to 12 feet) without getting breathless and one more floor after pausing for about 20 seconds halfway.

I am now 75 and I always use the elevator if available. I won’t attempt any bravado.

But once, when the elevator was down and there was no prospect of the elevator getting fixed in reasonable time, I did climb all six floors to reach my apartment, but I climbed very slowly, and paused at every floor for at least 30 seconds. I reached home with a heartbeat above normal but was not totally breathless.

I am now able to walk 3 kilometers slowly without the need to take a rest. I need at least 45 minutes to walk this distance.

Earlier I could easily do 4 to 6 km.

By the way, it is relevant to mention that in 2010 I had a mild heart attack. An angioplasty was done, and I now have two stents in my heart.

Other septuagenarians may have a different story to narrate.

Image Source: Generated by Meta AI based on the following prompt from me:

Can you generate an image of an old man of about 75 climbing up the stairs slowly, holding on to the hand railing, in a residential apartment building?

That old man in this AI generated image looks much older than 75!

Here is how I look at 75

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