Monday, January 20, 2025

Meteora in Greece


One of the most underrated travel destinations I’ve visited has to be Meteora in Greece.

I had the chance to visit it twice, years ago, and honestly, it’s one of those places that sticks with you. Massive rock formations rising straight out of the ground, with ancient monasteries perched on top like they’re part of the cliffs themselves.

The first time I went, I was completely in awe of how the monasteries were built. The locals told me these structures date back to the 14th century, and originally, monks climbed the cliffs using ropes and ladders to escape invaders.

Can you imagine the dedication it must have taken to live up there? There’s something deeply peaceful about the place, but also a sense of mystery.

One story that stood out to me was about how the monks believed the rocks were divinely placed. According to legend, they were sent by God to provide refuge and spiritual solace. It’s easy to believe that when you’re standing there looking up at these formations that seem too dramatic to be real.

Another fascinating thing is the old pulley system they used to bring supplies up.

I heard they used nets and a winch to haul things and people up and down the cliffs. It sounds terrifying, but it’s a testament to how resourceful they were. You can still see some of the old winching equipment in one of the monasteries.

What’s also interesting is the symbolism. Meteora means "suspended in the air," and you truly get that feeling when you’re there. It’s not just about the breathtaking views; there’s this intangible energy in the air, almost as if time slows down and invites you to reflect.

The second time I went, I learned more about the hermits who lived in caves before the monasteries were built. They sought total isolation to connect with the divine.

Meteora doesn’t get as much hype as other Greek destinations like Santorini or Athens, but it’s every bit as magical.

If you ever get the chance to visit, don’t miss it!

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