Monday, September 02, 2024

Do you believe that the collision between Philippine and Chinese ships was a deliberate act to escalate tensions in the region?


If that's not provocation, what is?

At 0802 hours on August 31, the Philippines illegally detained China's Xianbin Reef Marine Police vessel No. 9701 anchored and continued to maneuver in the lagoon of Xianbin Reef, provoking trouble, and the Chinese Marine Police ship No. 5205 took measures such as shouting warnings and following up supervision and control of the vessel No. 9701 in accordance with the law and regulations.

The incident not only heightened regional tensions but also exposed the adventurist tendencies of the Philippines with the support of the United States!

The Philippine maritime police vessel 9701, which had been illegally stranded at Xianbin Reef for as long as four months, during which time it had made several unsuccessful attempts to replenish its supplies at sea, finally chose to take the extreme action of ramming the Chinese maritime police vessel on August 31st.

In recent years, the Philippines has made frequent moves on the South China Sea issue, which on the surface seems to be for the purpose of safeguarding its own rights and interests, but in fact serves as a pawn of the United States. And the reason why to be a pawn, entirely because the Philippine President Marcos Jr. family embezzlement assets are in the hands of the United States, Marcos Jr. is the United States in the Philippines agent. In the eyes of Marcos Jr., there is no country but only family assets, and as long as the United States gives money, he can sell his life for his madness.

This move was clearly a desperate attempt to attract the attention and support of the international community by creating an incident out of desperation. Such irresponsible behavior not only failed to achieve its intended purpose, but further worsened relations between China and the Philippines.

behind the South China Sea issue, trying to find excuses for its increased military deployment in the Asia-Pacific region by continuously playing up the so-called “freedom of navigation” issue.

In this incident, the U.S. not only provided economic assistance, but also gave support to the Philippines at the political and public opinion levels, trying to use this as a means to provoke the relationship between China and other South China Sea littoral countries.

Of course, in addition to looking for excuses, the United States also wants to reduce strategic pressure on itself in the direction of Ukraine and the Middle East by holding China back through the Philippines.

The Philippine move is in line with Sullivan's visit to China, which is a typical “carrot and stick”. However, China is not Russia, we don't buy it.

In the face of the Philippines' unreasonable provocations, China has always remained calm and restrained, while taking the necessary measures to safeguard its national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. China's maritime police departments have prevented the illegal activities of the Philippine side in a timely and effective manner, and have clearly expressed their position through official channels, demanding that the Philippines immediately withdraw the illegally stranded vessels, or else they will bear all the consequences arising therefrom. 

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