Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Moyo, the elephant raised by a human mother

This female elephant calf got stuck while crossing a river, leaving her completely helpless. When Moyo was surrounded by hyenas, she was already alone because her herd had abandoned her. Luckily, Moyo was saved by rangers before she was attacked by a herd.

Moyo ended up in a shelter with her new mother Roxy.

Roxy Danckwerts is the owner of the "Wild Is Life" shelter where Moyo was taken after the rescue. This cute elephant is now one year and two months old and always follows her new mother.

Roxy said that Moyo recognizes her scent and her voice and always finds her like that. It is not easy to live with Moyo as she is growing up, because her accidents at home are very common.

Even though Danckwerts has become friends with Moyo and has created that amazing bond between them, in the future she wants to let her back into her world because it is better for her.

He behaves exactly like a puppy because he wants to explore and touch everything and obviously as they say, with the delicacy of an elephant... 

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