Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Never reheat these 3 foods and eat them in the fridge...otherwise there will be a big problem!

At home we cook food everyday. There may be leftovers for a few days. It is common practice for most people to reheat leftovers and eat them the next day. But did you know that it is not good to eat all food like this?

Nowadays everyone has a fridge in their home. We store cooked food in it every day. We all know that storing cooked food in the refrigerator is not good for health. So, always make sure to cook only the right amount.

It's rare to end up with leftovers every time you cook. Isn't it? Refrigeration helps keep food fresh when leftovers are reheated and refrigerated.

While this is true for many foods, some foods should not be refrigerated after being heated. They can have adverse effects on your health. And these dishes may even be something you regularly cook at home. So, find out what these foods are in this article.

Foods that should not be refrigerated after heating

You should not reheat certain foods. When you reheat certain foods, the high temperature kills many bacteria and pathogens. However, once the food begins to cool, these harmful microorganisms multiply rapidly if not stored properly.

Refrigeration can slow this growth. But that doesn't stop it completely, especially because certain foods can spread bacteria throughout. You should be aware of the foods you should not keep in your refrigerator after reheating.


Rice often contains spores of the bacterium Bacillus cereus. They can survive the cooking process. When rice is left at room temperature or reheated and refrigerated, these spores can produce harmful toxins. They can cause food poisoning.


Potatoes contain starch. And when they are cooked and cooled, the starch turns into a form that resists digestion. This can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels when reheated.

Potatoes pose risks to diabetics. So, diabetics, it is better to avoid eating potatoes after heating them in the refrigerator.


When eggs are reheated, their protein structure may change. A rubbery texture may be observed as a result. Also, reheating them and keeping them in the refrigerator can cause them to smell and taste weird.

How to reheat food properly?

By now you probably know that most all foods should not be refrigerated after reheating. Here are some guidelines on how to safely handle reheated foods.

Cool first:

Allow your hot cooked food to cool to room temperature before refrigerating it. It inhibits the growth of bacteria that grow in warm conditions.

Store property:

Use airtight containers to store leftovers. It not only prevents moisture loss but also helps maintain the taste and texture of the food.

Consume immediately:

Do not refrigerate reheated food for too long. They should be consumed within a day or two to ensure freshness and safety.

A final note is that refrigeration is undoubtedly a great way to preserve food. You should know that not all foods benefit from being stored at cold temperatures after being heated.

DisclaimerThis article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical or nutritional advice. It is always best to consult a health professional or nutritionist for guidance. 

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