Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Should I let my dog play with stray dogs? He is fully immunised.

Profile photo for Rachel Gupta

I have an indian desi dog

(In the picture waiting for his friends) and I let him play with all kinds of animals be it cow, donkey, dogs or rats. He loves it believe me, just prevent any fleas or ticks from entering his fur they'd be very difficult to remove. Mostly stray dogs are friendly with a pet but sometime the alpha male dog can be a little dominating. Watch for the growling, if they do then bring your dog back home. Only allow him to play in your presence with the strays and do not let him go near any wounded dog because that might bring infection. I suppose your dog is male so keep him a little away from female dogs or else he will whimper every day to go out and try to escape. My dog has two male strsy friends, namely Kallu, veeru, a female friend

and a calf mate

I always keep him on leash when meets other dogs because he tries to run away with the group, and altogether they run very fast, they gallop like horses. You alone cannot give him all the love, he needs a little of his species company as well.

Much love to your dog.

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