Thursday, September 12, 2024

What are things that make Southeast Asia the best region in the world?

Profile photo for Ewe Yu Yie

My mom used to tell me that we won’t get hungry even though we don’t have any money. She told me that when I was 5 years old when I was just about to understand about the concept of money and wealth.

When I asked how… she simply told me that the land will provide for us as long as we know where to look. Apart from a small paddy field owned by the family for rice, we could live by almost everything available nearby our home for free.

We looked for these in the bushes

and turned it into a very delicious dish like this

For more variety, we just went to a nearby bamboo bushes by the river bank and looked for this

Which we in turn cooked them into these

If worse comes to worries..we could go to the backyard and look at our banana trees for another source for food

And turn it into one of my favourite dish

How about our protein needs? We used to rear chickens, water buffaloes as well as cows. Since our house is nearby a river, we had an almost unlimited supply of fish as long as we were not too picky. There were some seasonal fishes and some were not. If we like a certain kinds of fishes especially seasonal ones we would dry and season them with local spices also available in our small gardens

Types of fishes we used to enjoy back then

A village elder told me that he is not going to follow and live with his daughter in Australia because here in SEA he can plant anything that he wants with little effort and enjoy them any time he likes. What he meant by little effort is because certain plants here can grow with little or almost no attention given to it at all. You can simply throw the seeds/ saps and don’t be surprised if after a few months it’s already flourishing and ready to be harvested.

SEA region is well known for its biodiversity and therefore it can be a really good place to live as long as the people knows how to live by the land and to respect the surroundings and environment.

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