Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why do some people think that advocating abstinence and prohibiting dating are not the best way to prevent unwed pregnancies among students?

Mike Rightmire

Because it doesn’t work.

Statistically, demonstrably, inarguably doesn’t work.

I don’t mean “It would work if people just did it right.”

Or “It would work if young girls just weren’t so slutty.”

Or “It would work, if we just exercised a more tyrannical control over women.”

Or “It would work if we just placed more and more moral pressure on children.”

I mean, it doesn’t - observably, and inarguably - work with real, non-theoretical human beings

But we do have something that absolutely works…

Birth control and sex education.

Statistically, observably, and inarguably. It works.

So, if your concern is legitimately “Preventing unplanned pregnancies in teens” - then you already know what works.

If you’re goal is forced purity on women, then you won’t like this plan.

And this is the difference between the mindset of the modern liberal versus the modern conservative.

Both the liberal and the conservative will come up with a great hypothesis like, “Abstinence only birth control should work.”

And then both the liberal and the conservative try it.

The liberal sees that it doesn’t work. So they try something else.

The conservative is certain it should work, if they just did it right or women would just stop being real humans or “people had morals” or whatever … so they just keep trying it, even though it keeps not working.

One of these is the definition of insanity.

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