Sunday, September 01, 2024

Why is the corruption in the Philippines very hard to stop?

Profile photo for Waldo

When I was a resident-in-training at a government hospital, I was a bit naive. It was at one of the big hospitals and was manned by the best doctors and medical personnel. Surely, an institution this prestigious should have the best, most efficient system free of corruption.

How wrong I was!

Some supervisors were blatantly accepting kickbacks from suppliers. I asked the Pathologist section consultant why he is not doing anything about it. He said that if he reported him to the authorities (ombudsman), he will have file a lawsuit. He will have to present proof, go to hearings, and hire a lawyer. This “due process” will take many years and all his energy. If he wins, the supervisor may file an appeal, then another appeal, until it goes all the way to the supreme court. In the mean time, the supervisor will also find dirt on him and file his own suit against his superior…

In other words, if you try to clean up the house, it will consume everything that you have, leaving nothing left towards governance. Because of this, if you want to succeed in government service, you need to learn how to “go with the flow.”

There is no accountability in government. Locally, a provincial hospital acquired an MRI even though no one was trained to read MRI images. When it was installed, it did not function. Now it’s a white elephant. Who cares? Contractors “repair” roads that are fine and blatantly build inferior roads devoid of steel reinforcement. A downpour later, potholes appear.

Election comes, people sell their votes… political families sustain this for generations!

People in government are constantly looking for ways to make a quick buck. Everybody does it. Why not me??

I believe no one can eradicate this cancer in our society. If a politician promises you that he will do this, do not believe him or her. I am convinced that this will not be fixed in our lifetime.

God bless our country.

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