Bacha Bazi “boy playing or boy dancing” is a form of pederasty involving sexual relations between older men and younger adolescent men or teen boys. The practitioner is called Bacha Baz “boy play.”
The Bacha Baz ”practitioner” and his Bacha”boy.”

Practitioners and dancing boy.

It is a subculture in Afghanistan. The practice of dancing boy or Bacha Bazi is illegal under Afghan law, being against sharia or Islam. But the security officials are unable to end such practices because of many of the men involved in Bacha Bazi related activities are powerful and well-armed warlords.

The practitioner keeps the cute boy and call him my bacha or boy. He dresses the boy up the best and spend a lot of money on him. The practitioners gather, playing the traditional music, and the boy in lady’s dress starts dancing for them. They are high and enjoy a lot.

I must say sorry for my people.
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