Thursday, January 09, 2025

Can one person really change the world?


A lot of people don’t realize it now but at the turn of the 20th century, in the early 1900s, Argentina was one of the wealthiest up-and-coming nations in the world. Rich in natural resources, it’s economy was properly booming…

It all rather quickly fell apart, however, and for well over a century, Argentina has been struggling financially…

Then, in December 2023, an eccentric politician named Javier Milei took the presidency and promised to end the madness and the economic malaise. And he did exactly what he promised he’d do.

Javier Milei ended Argentina’s deficit. For the first time in 139 years.[1] He went after government corruption and government waste with a vengeance. Milei was sworn into office the captain of a sinking ship, half-capsized, and within just one year he managed to get it seaworthy again. It’s honestly just incredibly. And this is no small country — Argentina is one of South America’s largest econmies, a nation of 47 million souls…

Can one person change the world? Yes, we one person most definitely can. He’ll need a bold vision, though, thick skin to handle all the insults and accusations of craziness hurled his way and, above all, the power to implement his plans. There are a lot of people with great vision in this world. It is rare, however, for such people to find themselves in the position to make that vision reality. Javier Milei is such a man.


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