Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Difference among Dates and Figs which one is more Healthier


Like dates, figs are also rich in nutrients. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium are found in good quantities in figs.Calories, carbs, fiber and natural sugar are also found in high quantities in figs.

  • Figs are considered a panacea for constipation. Eating figs daily helps in cleaning the stomach well.
  • Figs contain potassium and calcium. Both of these make bones stronger.
  • Figs can also help in keeping the stomach and intestines healthy.
  • Eating figs can help control high blood pressure. It is very beneficial for heart health.
  • Figs contain more calories than dates.
  • • Dates have less fat, but figs have no fat at all.
  • • Figs have more fiber than dates. 2 Figs can relieve constipation.
  • • Figs contain a lot of iron. It prevents anemia.
  • • Figs also contain a lot of carbohydrates. This helps in maintaining your energy.

Figs and dates are different from each other. Both figs and dates contain vitamins and minerals. But the nutritional value of both is different. Figs contain more nutrients than dates. Therefore, it can be said that figs are more beneficial than dates. But both of them do different things, so expert advice can be taken before consuming both of them.

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