Monday, September 09, 2024

hat are the health benefits of sweet potatoes?

Eating small sweet potatoes actually has so many benefits. I strongly recommend eating sweet potatoes to everyone! !

1. Control weight

Eating sweet potatoes in moderation can control weight. Sweet potatoes have very little fat content, only 0.2%, but the content of unsaturated fatty acids is very rich. Be careful when eating sweet potatoes. Don't eat cold sweet potatoes, and don't eat sweet potatoes in excess.

2. Prevent constipation

Eating sweet potatoes can prevent constipation. Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and have the special function of preventing sugar from converting into fat, promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and preventing constipation. They can effectively stimulate intestinal peristalsis and promote defecation.

3. Protect the heart and brain

Sweet potatoes can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Sweet potatoes are rich in carotene and have antioxidant effects. They can inhibit the occurrence of collagen in the body, thereby preventing atherosclerosis. Sweet potatoes contain calcium and magnesium, which help the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems remain stable.

4. Improve the stomach

Eating sweet potatoes in moderation is good for the stomach and can promote digestion and nourish the spleen and stomach. Sweet potatoes are alkaline foods that can regulate the body's acid-base balance and are rich in dietary fiber and enzymes.

5. Suitable for postpartum women

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and help prevent and relieve postpartum constipation symptoms. Sweet potatoes also contain minerals such as iron, calcium, and potassium, which can help postpartum women replenish blood, promote sodium elimination, and improve postpartum edema.

6. Protect eyesight

Sweet potatoes have the effect of protecting eyes. Sweet potatoes are rich in carotene, which protects eyesight and prevents night blindness. They can provide rich vitamin A, improve eyesight, and eating sweet potatoes often is good for the skin.

*Sweet potatoes are delicious, but you can't eat them too much 

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