Friday, September 06, 2024

Side Effects Of Eating Dry Fruits Daily

Side Effects Of Eating Dry Fruits Daily: We all consider dry fruits to be healthy. They are rich in nutrients and give us many benefits. But, do you know that there are some dry fruits whose daily consumption can be harmful for our health?

Let us know about those dry fruits which we should avoid consuming daily...

1. Almonds:

Almonds are high in calories and fat. Eating more than a handful of almonds daily can lead to weight gain and also increase cholesterol levels.

2. Cashew:

Cashews are also high in calories and fat. Apart from this, oxalates are also found in cashews, which can increase the risk of kidney stones.

3. Pistachios:

Pistachios are also high in calories and fat. Apart from this, pistachios also contain high amount of sodium, which can increase blood pressure.

4. Walnut:

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for health. But, walnuts also contain high amounts of calories and fat, hence it should be consumed in limited quantity only.

5. Raisins:

Raisins have high amount of sugar. Eating too many raisins daily can increase blood sugar levels and also increase the risk of diabetes.

How to consume dry fruits?

Eat dry fruits only in limited quantities. Do not eat more than a handful of dry fruits in a day.

Eating dry fruits after soaking them improves the absorption of their nutrients.

Eat dry fruits with breakfast or lunch.

Consult a doctor before including dry fruits in your diet, especially if you are suffering from any disease.

Dry fruits are beneficial for health, but they should be consumed only in limited quantities. Eating too much dry fruits daily can lead to weight gain, increased blood sugar levels, and other health problems. Therefore, consume dry fruits in a balanced manner and take care of your health.Disclaimer: Videos, articles and news published/broadcast on Webdunia on topics like health, beauty care, Ayurveda, Yoga, Religion, Astrology, Vastu, History, Purana etc. are for your information only, keeping in mind the public interest. Webdunia does not confirm the authenticity of this. Before any experiment, definitely take expert advice.

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