Friday, October 04, 2024

Public Repentance

Friday, October 4, 2024
Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi
Readings for Today
Readings for Friday of the Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Day of Judgement by Lawrence OPCC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Jesus said to them, “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.” Luke 10:13

Have you ever sat in sackcloth and ashes? In the Gospel passage above, Jesus gives clear indication that doing so is a holy sign of responding to His preaching. He states that the pagan towns of Tyre and Sidon would have certainly sat in sackcloth and ashes if they would have been privileged to witness the mighty deeds done in the Jewish towns of Chorazin and Bethsaida.

“Sackcloth and ashes” were a common sign used to indicate interior repentance and sorrow for sin. There are many times throughout the Old Testament when this happened. Recall, for example, that when Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh, everyone from the king down to the common citizen responded by expressing their repentance in this way (Jonah 3:5–7). Sackcloth was a rough and uncomfortable material usually made out of black goats hair, symbolizing the rejection of the false consolation of sin. Ashes symbolized desolation and destruction resulting from purifying fire. Of course, all of us do sit in ashes every Ash Wednesday as an external manifestation of our desire to repent. And though putting on actual sackcloth for clothing today may not be our literal practice, it is good to see the spiritual fruitfulness of these actions and to consider ways in which these actions can still be performed in our day and age. How might you sit in sackcloth and ashes today? What practical action can you take to publicly manifest your desire to turn from sin and toward the Gospel?

First of all, to properly answer this question, it’s important to recognize the fact that turning from sin should not only be a personal and interior act, it must also be exterior and manifest for others to see. Sin not only does harm to us individually, but it also damages others in varying degrees. Therefore, if your sin has done clear harm to others, it’s important to realize that you not only need to repent to God but that you must also repent in such a way that others see your repentance and sorrow.

So how might you repent in sackcloth and ashes today? There are many ways to do this. The essential quality present in such an act will be that it is clear to others that you are sorry for your sin and that you are attempting to change. If the sin you have committed toward another is grave, then your interior repentance must match the seriousness of your sin, and the exterior manifestation of that repentance must also measure up.

Reflect, today, upon some practical ways in which God is calling you to publicly manifest your “sitting in sackcloth and ashes” as a sign of your sorrow toward those against whom you have sinned. For example, if your sin is that of anger and you have regularly harmed another by that sin, then don’t only repent to God, look also for external ways to manifest your sorrow to them. Perhaps do some form of manifest service for them. Or engage in a public act of penance, such as fasting, as a way of showing them you are sorry. Manifest charitable good works, service, prayer, public penance and the like are all ways that you can spiritually and practically sit “in sackcloth and ashes” today.

My merciful Lord, You call me to daily repent of my sin and to do so through the manifest signs of sitting “in sackcloth and ashes.” Give me the grace of true sorrow for my sins and help me to sincerely repent as I trust in Your mercy. As I do, please also guide me so that I may humble myself and express my sorrow in manifest ways toward those against whom I have sinned. May this humble act bring healing and unity in You. Jesus, I trust in You.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

How was the Eurotunnel built across the English Channel?

It took 7 years, 4,000 workers and a secret weapon, geology, to complete the most daring engineering challenge of the 20th century.

The Eurotunnel, or Channel Tunnel, is 50.45 km long and connects Folkestone, England, to Coquelles, France - near Calais, in just 35 minutes of crossing. It is an incredible feat of engineering characterized by the longest underwater tunnel in the world with an underwater section that extends for 39 km under the bed of the English Channel.

The entire infrastructure is made up of two railway tunnels with a diameter of 7.6 m and a service tunnel, in case of emergencies, with a diameter of 4.8 m. It took 7 years, 4,000 workers and a secret weapon to build it: geology. Through the geological study of the subsoil it was possible to establish the trajectory of the excavation and the route that the Eurotunnel would follow.

The construction technique of the Channel Tunnel

But how was the Channel Tunnel built? The great challenge to face was to understand at what depth to position the tunnel and which geological level to drill. One of the key techniques was the so-called “seismic reflection”, a kind of X-ray of the ground that allows to visualize the geological layers and whether they are wavy, deformed or crossed by faults. To carry out the drilling, drills called Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) were used: these “mechanical moles” are 200 m long, have a diameter of 7.6 m and a rotating disk with steel blades, and are capable of excavating 36 thousand tons of rock per day.

The TBM is controlled by a computerized system that, together with a laser, calculates the trajectory. As the cutter advances, the TBM then creates a reinforced concrete tunnel lining ring, made up of 5 curved segments called segments, which serve to resist the intense pressure from above.

On December 1, 1990, the French and English teams met halfway, with a height difference of only 35 cm thanks to constant measurements. The two completed tunnels are equipped with 245 passages to reach the emergency tunnel, fire doors and a highly efficient cooling and ventilation system. The only way to cross the tunnel is by train, such as the high-speed train that takes you from Paris to London in just two hours, or the shuttle service for vehicles called “le Shuttle”.

This train is very special because it takes on board the entire vehicle you are traveling in until the transit is completed, taking you from Calais to Folkestone in just 35 minutes.

How do I stop hair fall and help to regrow it?

Profile photo for Ekim Kaya

If you notice that your hair looks more like hay than strands of vibrant hair, then there is nothing to worry about. You are not the only one. Millions of people every year suffer from hair fall, and it has become so widespread that it has become normal for people to lose more than 100 hairs in a day, according to expert estimates.

Hair fall can be caused by many factors such as stress, diet, age, or even hormones. Whatever the reason may be, though, there are ways to stop it and help regrow your hair again.

  • Remove any chemical treatments.
  • Avoid DIY home remedies like brushing hair 100 times a day or massaging the scalp with oil.
  • Get a haircut that will not put any pressure on the follicle units.
  • Invest in a good shampoo with a biotin and conditioner that suits your needs, as well as a product for styling your hair.
  • Eat a healthy diet with many omega 3s, proteins, iron, and B vitamins to provide essential building blocks for strong, healthy hair growth.
  • Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga or meditation regularly.
  • Another factor that affects your hair health is exercise and sleep patterns. You should get enough sleep to allow your body to fully recover from physical activities while eating a nutritious diet full of vitamins for better health.

If you’re losing a significant amount of hair despite doing all of these, then you might consider getting a hair transplant, which is not a big deal these days. I had one two years ago, and I’m pretty happy with it: 

Why did Wallis Simpson say about her late husband, the Duke of Windsor, "He gave up so much for so little"?

King Edward VIII gave up being a king! There are precious few kings in the world, and to make it to the actual Throne before he was forty meant a decent long life spent being the king; so this was a one in a billion chance to be the king of the world’s most popular monarchy. And he gave it all up for a woman, Wallis Simpson.

Yes, it sounds terribly romantic, but Wallis was very happily married to Ernest Simpson. Wallis was playing with fire, and David (Edward’s real name as a prince) was having sexual affairs with several woman, when he latched on to Wallis. Suddenly, she was at his beck and call, and Wallis could have walked away from it all; but she must have found it intoxicating that a man who would one day be a king desired her. So Wallis kept Prince David happy, and reportedly it was an incredibly tiring job for her: entertaining the prince took all her time.

On Edward’s side, he was quite a handsome party boy, who didn’t seem to want to buckle down and marry a nice genteel woman from the aristocracy, and he didn’t want to go about the tedious task of being a king either. Most of the time being the monarch is tiring. Yes, the rewards exist; but the cost of being in charge is steep. Edward VIII gave it up, so he could marry Wallis.

Wallis recorded in her diary that she didn’t love Edward the way she loved Ernest, but how would Wallis have looked if she had declined the ex-king’s marriage proposal after he gave up being the king for her? Wallis faced a daunting decision: She could live with a man who gave up a kingdom to be with her, or she could turn away from Edward and look awful in the eyes of the world. Wallis consented to be Edward’s wife.

Wallis Simpson was forty when she married Edward, and they never had children. There’s that. Wallis couldn’t offer him a child, even though I doubt Edward really expected to have one.

The couple lived a life on the edges of society. After it became known Wallis and Edward went and fawned over Hitler, and he essentially agreed to make them king and queen should he win WWII, polite society shut their doors on Wallis and Edward. The royals dealt with them by playing them in the Bahamas. After the war ended, the couple settled in France. They were not invited or permitted to live in Great Britain.

Wallis could only offer Edward some good sex, which might have grown bland after a while, and endless parties thrown for people who were not high society. Yes, France gave them a place to live and was their sanctuary; but how could that compare to the grandeur that Wallis fell in love with in Britain?

Wallis fell for the trappings that went along with Edward being royalty. That he gave it all up for little ole her meant what she loved was no longer there for her. Wallis wasn’t in love with Edward; she was in love with his position. She liked influencing a powerful man, and when he became powerless what was left?

Nothing. Not in Wallis’ eyes. Her last husband gave up the palaces, jewels, status, and elan associated with being the king of Britain and the Commonwealth. Edward, by becoming an ordinary man, held little appeal for Wallis. She liked the game of chase. She enjoyed the hunt. But was she worth leaving a crown and a realm? Not in her eyes. I think Edward came to see that in time, too. They both lost out, though thankfully for the UK the right brother was king during the dark days of WWII. King George VI. Edward’s little brother.

Here are some natural ways by which you can fix hair fall.

Profile photo for Charlie Roy

Here are some natural ways by which you can fix hair fall.

Image: Google sources.

If you keep these food in your diet then your hair will definitely come back.

Hair loss depends on your nutrition.

1 Iron

There should be no iron deficiency in your body. Iron is very important for our hair. Iron is mineral that is important to our health or hair.

its most important function in our body is to aid in the production of red blood cells. this cells carry oxygen(Haemoglobin) around the body via our blood stream to all our tissues and organs including our hair follicles.

Iron Benefits:

  • Iron optimises energy level.
  • nourishes your muscles.
  • helps in increasing immune system.

If you do not have enough iron in your body, you may develop a condition called iron deficiency anaemia. This can cause your hair to shed.

Eat food that contains iron. Iron rich food are given below:

Chicken, meat, Eggs, Fish, pumpkeen seed, Broccoli, Dark chocolate, cauliflower, Spinach.

2. protein(essential nutrition)

A single strand of hair is made up of protein fiber which means that it requires an adequate dose of protein to grow.

If you don’t eat enough protein, your hair is likely to become dry and brittle. Every cell requires protein for life; they are needed for tissue repair and for the construction of new tissue.

Protein rich


chicken, Eggs, fish, soya bean, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, grean peas.

Complete proteins are those that contain all essential amino acids .

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, there are eight essential amino acids that the body does not produce and must be derived from your diet.

Amino acid strengthen your hair.

3. Vitamin-c

Boost immune system.

Vitamin C helps in absorbing iron. So if you are taking iron but not taking vitamin-c, then there is no benefit of taking iron.

Hair cells are the 2nd fastest growing cells in the body .However, hair is a non-essential tissue, so your body will never send nutrients its way if another part of you is lacking. so thats why vitamin-c is important.

Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin as your body cannot make it on its own, nor can it store it. This means Vitamin C needs to be consumed on a daily basis.

Vitamin C Rich food

biotin makes hair healthy. Oranges, lemon, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, Guava, watermelon, kale etc.

4. Biotin

Biotin is very important for our body so eat biotin rich food. which are given below

Meat, eggs, walnuts, sweet potato, nuts and seeds, yeast, salmon, milk , cheese, yogurt, Cauliflower,

5. Scalp massage

Massaging your scalp with a purpose of hair growth requires applying pressure on the scalp using fingers. This is essentially done to increase the blood circulation.

Nutrient travels through blood so blood circulation of scalp is important. massage your scalp twice a week (before bed).

Thank you! 

Protected by the Good Shepherd

October 3, 2024
Thursday of the Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Readings for Today


Jesus appointed seventy-two other disciples whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves.”  Luke 10:1–3

Why would our Lord send His disciples out like lambs among wolves? At first, this might be concerning and cause us to wonder if our Lord were sending them into a situation in which they would encounter harm. Saint Ambrose, in commenting on this, explains that there is no reason for these disciples to fear, since Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who always protects His sheep. It’s helpful to reflect upon what sort of danger these disciples would encounter on this mission and all future missions and to contrast that danger with the only form of danger we should fear.

The “wolves” in this situation are especially some of the cruel religious and civil leaders of that time, as well as those who would reject the disciples and their teaching. When looking at the worldly danger that our Lord encountered, as well as His disciples, we see that it was a danger of persecution. But is that a “danger” that one should fear? Clearly not, since Jesus never cowered in the face of it. In the Acts of the Apostles, we see how this same fate of persecution befell Jesus’ followers. But in the divine perspective, true “danger” is only that which has the potential to do eternal damage to one’s soul: sin. 

Sin and sin alone has the potential to do true damage, not persecution or even death. So when Jesus sent His disciples out “like lambs among wolves,” He was fully aware of the persecution they would receive in this world. But He exhorted them and sent them, because He knew that even if they were to eventually suffer persecution and death, their faith and courage in the midst of it would gain them merit in eternal life and would become an instrument of grace for others in their life of faith. As was commonly said in the early Church, “The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians.” For that reason, as Jesus sent these sheep out among wolves, He also accompanied their souls as the Good Shepherd, protecting their virtue, strengthening them in their witness to the faith, and keeping them from fear and from sin. He did not want them to fear the death of their body or their worldly reputation—rather, only the death of their souls which He, as the Good Shepherd, vigorously defended.

Reflect, today, upon the glorious truth that our Lord also sends you forth to be like a lamb among wolves. The fulfillment of the will of God in your life will take fortitude and courage as you trust that our Lord will keep you free from the countless temptations of sin. As you go forth, do not be surprised if you encounter harshness from others in the world, judgment and even persecution in various forms. When you do, respond with virtue. Keep faith, hope and charity alive in your life and do not fear those who can harm you in ways that are not eternal. Instead, stay firmly grounded in your mission to love and to share the mercy and truth of God in our world, no matter the consequences. Doing so will bring with it countless interior blessings of grace and will enable God to use you as an instrument of His grace in ways beyond that which you can ever conceive.

My courageous Lord, You came face-to-face with a harshness and cruelty in this world that ultimately enabled You to give witness to Your divine love by freely laying down Your life. Please send me forth on Your mission and strengthen me with every divine virtue so that I will not fear any form of persecution but always remain steadfast in my love of You, overcoming all fear through the gift of faith. My life is Yours, dear Lord. Do with me as You will. Jesus, I trust in You.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

What is the best treatment for hair loss?

Profile photo for Dr Ayesha Nazir

When ever we go through some tough experiences our any hard issues in our life we see a sudden hair loss.

These is because due to tense situation or unhealthy life style we dnt care about ourselves

The first change we see we drink less water so results in hair loss so drinking adequate water daily to support hair health.

Stress our busy routine effects our diet which effect our hair so eat a nutrient-rich diet with vitamins and minerals essential for hair growth.

Use sulfate-free and paraben-free products; avoid over-washing.

In our busy stressful lives we dnt have timw for our selves and how we will get time for our hairs but massage your scalp regularly and use moisturizing treatments wil definitely play a key role to prevent hair loss.

Manage stress through exercise or relaxation techniques. This will not only help to reduce hair loss but it will over all make your life easy.

With these easy tips make your life easy, stress free and you will definitely get a hero like hairs.