Saturday, August 31, 2024

10 Bizarre Sexual Facts From Ancient Egypt

10 Bizarre Sexual Facts From Ancient Egypt

1. Masturbation And Creation

In ancient Egyptian creation myths, the universe began with Atum, the creator god, who emerged from chaos. Atum masturbated, and from this act, he produced the first gods, Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture). This myth symbolizes the power of sexual acts in creation and reflects how sexuality was intertwined with divine and cosmic order in ancient Egyptian culture.

2. Pharaoh Masturbation

In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs practiced ritual masturbation as a symbolic act to ensure fertility and divine favor. This act, often depicted in religious texts and art, was believed to harness the creative power of the god Atum and promote prosperity and fertility for the land. It represented the divine connection between the ruler and the gods, reinforcing the Pharaoh's role as a mediator between the divine and earthly realms.

3. Food Of The Gods

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the sexually charged conflict between gods Horus and Seth over the throne involved power struggles and trickery, with Seth trying to shame Horus into a submissive role, but Horus ultimately prevailed due to Isis's intervention.

4. Incest

Royalty and elites often practiced incest to maintain power despite health risks. Even King Tut married his half-sister, reflecting a societal acceptance of taboo relationships, prevalent among ruling families, despite legal prohibitions.

5. Necrophilia And The Embalmers

Considering the Egyptians' fascination with sex, death, and the afterlife, necrophilia may have been part of their culture. Herodotus, a Greek writer, shared insights on the sexual practices of ancient civilizations, including Babylonians and Egyptians. He mentioned how Egyptians would delay embalming to deter necrophilia.

6. Necrophilia Gods

In Egyptian mythology, necrophilia was intertwined, seen in Re's relations with Osiris' body and Horus' origin from that union. Atum, aka Re, created gods by masturbating the universe. Isis birthed Horus from Osiris post-death. Horus and Seth later engaged in a dominant battle.

7. Circumcision

Aside from ancient Hebrews, circumcision was rare in the ancient world. Over time, it integrated into many cultures through Judeo-Christian influence. Herodotus, writing in the fifth century BC, observed Egyptian circumcision. Egyptians practiced mass circumcisions, including ceremonial events with up to 120 men.

8. Sacred Prostitution

Prostitutes in ancient Egypt enjoyed social status and freedom unlike today. Unlike clandestine modern affairs, Egyptian prostitutes openly practiced, distinguishing themselves with tattoos and makeup as a legitimate profession. Prostitution was common, considered a respected trade, but with restrictions on service locations.

9. Gender Fluidity

The ancient Egyptians embraced gender fluidity within their culture, evident in the gods' lifecycles mirroring Earth's seasons and occasional sex changes. This fluidity extended even posthumously, with women believed to transform into men for a successful afterlife. Women in Egypt had similar roles to men, a rarity for that era, exemplified by the gods who displayed characteristics of both genders like bearded goddesses.

10. Contraception

The ancient Egyptians valued effective contraceptives due to their sexually liberal society. They used sheep intestine condoms and acacia gum as spermicide. Women also used animal dung to prevent pregnancy seriously. 

Do you store eggs in the fridge?

We all keep eggs in the fridge for days, right! Have you ever wondered why?

The fridges we use also have a separate place to keep eggs. But you should think twice or thrice about putting eggs in it.

Because studies show that eating eggs stored in the fridge can cause illnesses. You will be surprised to know the reasons why not to keep it. Before this let us know the reasons for keeping in refrigerator.

Salmonella, a bacteria that causes severe diarrhea in the body, lives in the intestines of animals. As long as these remain in the animal's body, there is no problem. If these microbes mix with the food we eat, it can cause serious illness. These salmonella infections can cause vomiting and diarrhea and can be fatal. It is found on the surface and inside of chicken eggs, so it must be taken with care.

May also be on the top of the egg. Even if you think that the outside is there, they can also go inside. Preventing the release of this Salmonella microorganism from contaminated eggshells and proper protection is essential. In developed countries, eggs are washed in hot water while still in the shell and sold with a disinfectant, which kills the bacteria, but does not harm the bacteria inside the egg.

Reasons to refrigerate eggs

1. Refrigerating eggs prevents food poisoning. Also, salmonella does not thrive in the refrigerator. Let's say it's better to store eggs in the fridge.

2. Do you like baked goods? However, room temperature egg whites taste better than refrigerated egg whites.

3. Eggs kept in the refrigerator spoil more quickly than eggs kept at room temperature. Refrigerated eggs taste sour after removal. So it is better to store at room temperature.

4. When looking at eggs kept at room temperature and eggs stored in the refrigerator, eggs stored in a frozen refrigerator are more likely to develop bacteria on the shell. Eating these can increase the chances of getting sick.

5. There is no need to refrigerate fresh eggs because their cuticles are intact.

6. An egg placed near an egg infected with Salmonella at temperature is also exposed to the virus. But, keeping it in the refrigerator can prevent such infection.

In fact, eating fresh eggs within two days is very healthy. Even the advice of doctors is that you should not use any product other than eggs in the fridge for a long time.

What are some arguments against religious intolerance?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

A statistic I read the other day concerned me — over 58% of all sexual assaults(!) in Sweden are committed by foreign-born citizens.[1] Meanwhile only about 20% of all Swedes are foreign-born or have a foreign-born parent. The percentage of immigrants in rape statistics is… enormously overrepresented.

The vast majority of attackers are of Middle-Eastern and Islamic background. And yes, that’s something we shouldn’t ignore. We should talk about it. Religious tolerance is a great and important thing. And I’m a tolerant man, myself. But we must also call a spade a spade — when a culture is very restrictive towards sex outside of marriage, and very strict, and when it doesn’t hold a very positive view of women in general? You’re in a tough spot. Because you’ll get an entire generation of boys who view women as property more than human beings.

Should we just, sweep it under the rug? Look the other way a little gangs of youngsters up to no good hiss like snakes at young women and girls, following them with their eyes, insulting them and frequently raping them? After all the girls are ‘infidels’ anyway, from infidel nations. In their own home countries rape would get them lynched and now, they find themselves in countries where prisons are hotels and vigilantes more harshly than rapists…


Kumari Kandam

Kumari Kandam, often referred to as the Tamil equivalent of Atlantis, is a legendary lost continent said to have existed in the Indian Ocean. According to Tamil folklore, this vast landmass was home to an advanced and thriving civilization, with a rich culture, flourishing cities, and a highly developed society. The stories suggest that Kumari Kandam was a cradle of Tamil culture, where early Tamil literature, language, and traditions were born.

The legend holds that Kumari Kandam met its tragic end when a catastrophic deluge submerged the entire continent beneath the ocean, wiping out its population and leaving only traces in ancient texts and myths. This tale of a lost homeland has been passed down through generations and continues to hold a special place in Tamil culture.

While mainstream science does not support the existence of Kumari Kandam, attributing the legend to the shifting of tectonic plates and rising sea levels that have shaped the Earth's continents over millennia, the story remains a powerful symbol of lost history. It has inspired countless speculations and has even been linked to the concept of Lemuria, another mythical lost land thought to have existed in the Indian Ocean or the Pacific. The enduring allure of Kumari Kandam reflects a deep connection to ancestral heritage and the mysteries of ancient civilizations.

New discoveries seem to confirm that Uşaklı Höyük, in Türkiye, is the legendary Zippalanda

In the heart of the Anatolian plateau, in present-day Turkey, an international team of Italian and Turkish archaeologists, led by the University of Pisa, has brought to light a mysterious circular construction on a Hittite site. This unique discovery, together with other findings in recent years, could confirm that the site is the ancient Hittite sacred city of Zippalanda

Skilled metalsmiths very devoted to their gods. These were the Hittites, a people who between the 17th and 12th centuries BC. it formed a powerful empire that dominated large areas of the Anatolian peninsula, in present-day Türkiye, and part of Syria. The creation of the Hittite empire is lost in myths and legends, although it is thought that its founder may have been Labarna I or Hattušili I. What is clear is that the Hittite armies even challenged the pharaohs of Egypt, facing Rameses II in the famous battle of Kadesh. But around 1200 BC. their capital, Hattuša, was destroyed, causing the fall of the great Anatolian empire.

Researchers hypothesize that the Hittite civilization collapsed due to invasions by the so-called Sea Peoples (a group of Bronze Age peoples, many of them from the Mediterranean, who moved into the Near East). Despite this, the Hittites as such did not disappear, as their legacy survived until the end of the 8th century BC. in what are known as the Neo-Hittite kingdoms. However, many aspects of their culture remain elusive.

Is it really Zippalanda?

To learn more about the Hittite world, a team of Italian and Turkish archaeologists, led by Anacleto D'Agostino of the University of Pisa, has been excavating the UÅŸakli Höyük site for fifteen years. In this site, during the excavation campaign conducted in 2022, archaeologists brought to light a mysterious circular construction which could help confirm that the site is actually an ancient sacred city of the Hittites: Zippalanda, the cult center of the powerful storm god Teshub. «The interpretation of this circular structure is very difficult at the moment and an extension of the work will be necessary to allow us to get an idea of ​​what is around it», explains D'Agostino.

On the other hand, according to D'Agostino, «its location to the north of what is probably the main temple of the city, not far from the river that flows near the base of the battlements, makes us lean towards an interpretation in ritual of this discovery". The Italian archaeologist also underlined the uniqueness of the discovery, given that "there are no similar ones documented in other contemporary sites". 

How should I eat to prevent cancer in old age?


The Best Cancer-Fighting Foods: Starve Cancer with Your Plate

Understanding what feeds cancer helps us choose the best foods to combat it. By targeting the factors that fuel cancer growth, we can select the most effective foods to reduce cancer risk. Let’s dive into the details of what cancer thrives on and how we can counteract those factors with our diet.

What Feeds Cancer?

Cancer and Glucose
Cancer cells thrive on glucose. This is known as the Warburg effect. Cancer cells prefer glycolysis, a process that doesn’t need oxygen and produces energy quickly, unlike oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos), which is more efficient but relies on oxygen. High blood sugar levels provide cancer cells with their favorite fuel, leading to rapid growth.

Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is a significant factor in cancer development. Chronic inflammation can create an environment where cancer cells flourish. Foods that reduce inflammation are crucial in fighting cancer.

Carcinogenic Compounds and Chemicals
Certain chemicals and compounds can cause mutations in cells, leading to cancer. Processed foods often contain carcinogens and harmful chemicals, which can drive cancer growth.

Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. High oxidative stress can encourage cancer cell development. Natural antioxidants help neutralize free radicals.

Immune System Weakness
A weak immune system cannot effectively fight off cancer cells. A robust immune system is essential for maintaining health and preventing cancer.

Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances, particularly involving insulin and estrogen, can drive cancer growth. High insulin levels, often due to a diet high in refined sugars and carbohydrates, can deregulate estrogen.

Gut Health
A dysbiotic gut, or an imbalance in gut bacteria, affects many factors related to cancer development. A healthy gut supports a strong immune system and proper hormonal regulation.

Top Cancer-Fighting Foods

Low-Carb Foods
Foods low in carbohydrates can help starve cancer cells of glucose. Examples include:

  • Avocado
    Rich in healthy fats and fiber, avocados do not raise blood sugar levels.
  • Leafy Greens
    Spinach, kale, and other greens are low in carbs and high in essential nutrients.
  • Non-Starchy Vegetables
    Broccoli, cauliflower, and bell peppers are excellent choices.
  • Healthy Fats
    Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and butter provide fats that do not affect blood sugar.
  • Meat and Fish
    Opt for grass-fed meat and wild-caught fish for their high-quality protein.
  • Nuts and Seeds
    Almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are low in carbs and high in fiber.
  • Mushrooms
    Low in carbs and beneficial for overall health.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Foods that help reduce inflammation include:

  • Garlic
    Contains allicin, which has natural anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Turmeric
    Contains curcumin, known for its potent anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ginger
    Helps in reducing inflammation and supporting digestion.
  • Berries
    Rich in anthocyanins, which help fight inflammation.
  • Fatty Fish
    Salmon and mackerel provide omega-3 fatty acids that help regulate inflammatory responses.
  • Broccoli
    Contains sulforaphane, which helps lower inflammation.

Detoxifying Foods
Support liver function with these foods:

  • Cruciferous Vegetables
    Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage help with detoxification.
  • Tomatoes
    Contain lycopene, which supports liver detox pathways.
  • Garlic
    Contains sulfur compounds that aid liver detoxification.
  • Eggs
    Rich in choline, which is essential for liver health.

Immune-Boosting Foods
Boost your immune system with:

  • Garlic and Ginger
    Natural immune boosters with antibacterial properties.
  • Mushrooms
    Contain beta-glucans that stimulate immune function.
  • Bell Peppers
    High in vitamin C, essential for a healthy immune system.

Hormone-Balancing Foods
Support hormone regulation with:

  • Broccoli
    Contains indole-3-carbinol, which helps balance estrogen levels.
  • Healthy Fats
    Omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish and monounsaturated fats in avocados support hormone balance.

Antioxidant-Rich Foods
Combat oxidative stress with:

  • Berries
    Packed with natural antioxidants.
  • Dark Chocolate
    Contains flavonoids that help fight oxidative stress.
  • Green Tea
    Rich in polyphenols with antioxidant properties.
  • Turmeric
    Contains curcumin, which helps neutralize free radicals.
  • Pomegranates
    Provide potent antioxidants.

Gut Health Foods
Support gut health with:

  • Fermented Foods
    Sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt contain beneficial probiotics.
  • Prebiotic Foods
    Asparagus, onions, garlic, and leafy greens feed beneficial gut bacteria.

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods often contain high levels of sugar, refined flour, artificial chemicals, and additives. These factors contribute to high blood sugar, chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and weakened immune function. They also disrupt hormonal balance and gut health. Minimizing processed foods and focusing on whole, natural foods is crucial for cancer prevention and overall health.

Starving cancer involves understanding what fuels it

Starving cancer involves understanding what fuels it and choosing foods that counteract those factors. By focusing on low-carb, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, immune-boosting, hormone-balancing, and antioxidant-rich foods, you can support your body’s natural defenses against cancer. Remember, eating whole, real foods is key to maintaining a healthy, balanced diet that can help protect against cancer.

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  1. The Warburg Effect and Cancer
  2. Dr Sten Ekberg - YouTube
  3. Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Cancer Prevention
  4. Detoxifying Foods and Liver Health
  5. Immune-Boosting Foods
  6. Hormone Regulation and Diet