Friday, August 16, 2024

What do you dislike the most in Filipinos and Philippines?

Profile photo for Chris Sarile

I tend to be very cautious when I say I hate something because I just don’t like hating. Many have already answered and pointed out some chronic problems in the country and the people. But if there was one thing I do hate or extremely dislike, it's the Jeepney.

For Christ’s sake can we put that heap of junk somewhere else? As long as its not on the road, anywhere is fine! For people who love it because they say it's part of the culture, can you please put it in a museum instead?

It's dirty and unreliable, with rude drivers who only see passengers as fare and not people. It's never maintained and it's unsafe to ride on in terms of its roadworthiness and because of the crooks who ride it with you, whatever time of day it may be, night or day. Drivers drive dangerously, absolutely do not follow traffic rules and pollute the streets with their poorly maintained vehicles.

For me, the Jeepney is the ultimate symbol of the country’s stagnancy. It's proof that we never moved forward. Its proof that we’ve not only lacked skills but also lacked the desire to innovate and improve one of the most important things affecting our daily lives- Transportation. And don’t even get me started with overly decorated Jeepneys. It highlights how the country is resistant to changing something for the better. It sticks with something rotten, applies new paint over it and say its better. Unique. Truly Filipino. Beautiful.

I say ugly. Just ugly. I have absolutely nothing good to say about Jeepneys.

I see no reason why the Jeepney should remain. It should’ve been phased out a few years after the war. And that was decades ago.

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