Thursday, August 29, 2024

Do Not Drink Water From Coconut Directly; Here's Why

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If you buy the coconut from a street vendor and start drinking its water then and there, you need to stop. Never drink from the coconut directly, and make sure to always check the interiors of the tropical fruit before consuming the water.

Coconut water is among the best ways to bring relief from heat waves and rising temperatures and help ease your digestion and urination. It also provides an instant boost of energy. Packed with various minerals and electrolytes like potassium, calcium, manganese, antioxidants, amino acids, and cytokinins, coconut water is super hydrating. However, the inside of a coconut can easily develop mold - a kind of fungus that grows on various types of food, causing decay and an unappealing taste and texture. While some mold is safe to consume in certain foods, it leads to allergies, severe respiratory issues, and even life-threatening effects from mycotoxins.

And so, according to experts, it is always best to pour it into a transparent glass to make sure the water is clear, without any off smell as well.

What is mold and how does it spread?

Mold is a tiny, living organism, also known as fungus. It has hair-like structures called hyphae, which form colonies that you can see on many surfaces, including foods. Mold thrives on warm, wet spots and gets its nutrients by breaking down the substance it lives on.

According to experts, mold reproduces through its spores which can fly and spread to other areas as well. They are extremely tough and flourish in a broad range of settings, including weather changes. When they land on a proper surface with adequate water and organic material, mold begins to grow, spreading even more.

Health risks associated with mold

Doctors say there are severe health risks if you get exposed to mold, and a few of them include:


Exposure to mold can cause severe allergic reactions, which include symptoms like sneezing, watery nose, red or watery eyes, skin rashes, hives, stuffed nose, itchy, or teary eyes, coughing, and breathlessness

Increase in mycotoxins

Molds are packed with harmful mycotoxins, which can cause acute poisoning, leading to several issues with your stomach, liver, and kidneys. However, long-term and low-level exposure to mycotoxins can lead to a weaker immune system, hormone imbalances, and a higher risk of cancer.

Ways to avoid mold growth in food

A few ways you can avoid the growth of mold in fresh fruits and vegetables is by taking steps for proper storage and management of food, a few of which include:

Refrigeration and Freezing

Make sure to put items that can go bad in the fridge or freezer to keep mold from growing and spreading further.

Airtight Containers

Always use airtight containers to keep your food in clean, tightly sealed boxes which help cut airborne mold spores.

Know the shelf life

Always be sure of how long different foods can stay safe and try to eat them within that period. 

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