Saturday, August 31, 2024

What is a professional technique for falling asleep quickly?

Profile photo for Atmos

A very useful technique for falling asleep quickly, which is taught to soldiers to help them rest even in high-pressure and uncertain situations, is a progressive relaxation technique. It’s designed to help you fall asleep quickly.

Here’s how it works:

1. Find a comfortable sleeping position.

2. Close your eyes and start relaxing all the muscles in your body, beginning with your feet and working your way up.

3. Imagine that you’re either climbing or descending a staircase or an elevator. As you do this, relax each muscle in your body.

4. Breathe deeply and slowly while you’re relaxing.

5. When you reach the end of the staircase or elevator, picture yourself in a peaceful and safe place where you can fully relax.

6. If you’re still awake after a few minutes, repeat the process of going up or down the staircase or elevator until you fall asleep.

This method is quite simple and can help calm both the body and mind. It’s not just for military personnel; anyone can use it. Also, maintaining a consistent sleep routine is important.

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