Friday, August 30, 2024

Do looks really matter? How much of your life is influenced by your appearance?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

Various studies have proven that handsome men and beautiful women are more likely to get hired for a job interview. They get better evaluations at work and get a raise more often, on average.

 People always focus on dating, but even in one’s professional life, looks matter. Looks always matter. I won’t give you empty platitudes. Won’t insult your intelligence by beating around the bush — looks are incredibly important in this world.

The picture above is the same man. One is just a fitter, more well-groomed version of the first. Which of these men is treated better by society? You know the answer. We all do — it’s the bearded ginger viking on the right. We have a reasonable amount of control over our looks. Through grooming, exercise, proper nutrition and styling, we can alter our appearance a great deal. And yes, we benefit from this. Some unappealing people are merely lazy and clueless about how to dress, how to carry their frame and how to wear their hair. And little changes, over time, add up. In a year or so, any man or woman can transform almost completely. And be reborn, in the eyes of the world.

Do looks really matter? You bet. You can come up with anecdotal evidence about how you, personally, don’t care about looks. Or how your wife/girlfriend/boss doesn’t care. But society as a whole does care.



Attractive People Have A Big Advantage In The Job Interview 

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