Thursday, August 15, 2024

Rude Filipinos

There is more to “monkeys” than the appearance of most Filipinos. I find it racist to call them that solely on the basis of their physiology, however, I find it most reasonable if we’re talking about the attitude and culture of these people, for example, the experience this expat observed in the Philippines [1]

There is a cultural thing in the Philippines, that people with more are expected to share.

Do not expect them to reciprocate. They wouldn't and would in fact rather avoid payment of debts. I have encountered people who would ask those with higher salaries to pay for them, and they will ask in a very rude and impolite way. That is generally their behavior, with no more shame and humility in mind. They seem to think that they are entitled to be given.

If not like monkeys, how else would you describe the attitude? Anyone who argues with “culture” is making up an excuse for this mildly rude and childlike behavior. For centuries, these people became so accustomed to begging and being spoon fed to the point that they became abusive and diligence becomes not a virtue nor a value. That is why they are quick to exploit as I have mentioned in a previous post.

Poor culture, rather than earn, they steal or beg. This goes both ways, as the government will exploit the governed in some way. Begging is part of their culture for in my personal observations, this is not exclusive to the impoverished but among the “middle class” as well (as if “class” means anything to these people). It’s not okay to beg, but government neglect seems to push a lot of people to do so.


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