Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Thridarangar Lighthouse

Built in ancient times to guide ships during the night, lighthouses have always aroused great interest and admiration in people. Many poets and writers talk about lighthouses in their poems.

Most lighthouses rest their foundations on the coast. Others are located on mountains not far from the sea. Then there are some that rise on rocks, on islets or in the sea in areas where there are shallow waters. Today we want to introduce you to a very special lighthouse, precisely because of its location.

The Thridarangar Lighthouse

Located 6 miles from the Icelandic coast, a few kilometers from the Vestmannaeyjar, the Thridarangar is considered the most isolated lighthouse in the world. Perched on a jagged rock in the Atlantic Ocean, it is surrounded only by the high waves of frozen water that break on the rocks. The Thridarangar lighthouse, which in Icelandic means “three rocks,” was built in 1939 at 36 meters high, on the highest and steepest of the three rocks.

Considered the most inaccessible and solitary lighthouse in the world, the only way to reach it from the mainland is by air. For this reason, at the time of construction, a pad was also created, necessary for the landing and take-off of helicopters.

Even if you “snoop” on the web, you can find very little information on how they managed to complete the construction of this lighthouse. 

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