Thursday, August 15, 2024

As a Filipino, what disgusts you about the Filipino society?


Many Filipinos are entitled, selfish, inconsiderate, disrespectful, disregard for others, rude

1. Extremely loud people : shouting yelling all the time all day, in the streets, restaurants, bus, airport, plane, boat, mall, office building, movie theaters. Vendors sellers hawkers selling balut, taho, fish, and trike drivers yelling at everyone who doesn't even need a trike. Add to that the horns, bells, and constant yelling which starts at 430am.

2. The only country where people talk in movie theaters during movies, make phone calls during movies, because movie theaters are your own private living room.

3. Extremely loud trikes motorbikes and jeeps which have been modified to make as loud of a sound as possible as they blast up and down the street for show

4. Every thinks foreigners are a walking ATM. In restaurants, in malls, on the street, pretty much anywhere you are a Atm where Filipinos will see you from 100 feet away and run up to you and block your way asking for money.

5. You are constantly shouted at and approached to give money, or to buy something by vendors sellers hawkers, trikes all day long, every 2 minutes. Vendors sellers hawkers beggars who will interrupt what you are doing and jump in between you and the person you are talking to in order to sell something or ask money. If you say no, they will continue to stand in between you until they lose interest and find another target

6. Every other store has large 3 foot speakers mounted on the outside pointed at the street, blasting music as loud as possible because even clothing stores are rock concerts

7. Pickup trucks with 5 foot speaks mounted on top and on the back, driving up and down blasting music and speeches. Small motorized being carts with large speakers mounted on the outside

8. Ladyboys ( transgender men) who grab you as you walk past

9. There are no such thing as lines. People just push you out of the way and cut in front of you when you are ordering food / paying for stuff / etc McDonalds, Jollibee, 711 you name it

10. The lawless reckless dangerous driving says it all. Total disregard for anyone else or anyone's safety, they just blow through intersections or even drive the wrong way in a street to go where they want to go. Filipinos stop in the middle of the road blocking traffic so they can look at the sidewalk

11. Cars, trikes, motorbikes that honk rudely and run pedestrians off the road because they own the road even though there's plenty of space

12. Loud videoke until 1am 2am 3am 4am with total disregard for neighbors or anyone else, because their loud "singing" is so important that everyone needs to be forced to listen to it

13. Yelling shouting laughing singing as loud as possible at 2am 3an 4am 5am 6am 7am totally rude selfish and disregard for anyone, because most Filipinos don't have jobs or anything else to do except drink and be loud. Never mind that some people actually do need to wake up and go to work.

14. Appointments that run on Filipino time because no one else's time is valuable and everyone should wait for the Filipino to show up whenever they feel like

15. Nowhere is safe: on the bus, plane, in a restaurant, movie theaters, Filipinos will be on loud speaker calls or watching loud "comedy" video clips at max volume on their phones

16. Throwing trash anywhere as they walk because the whole street is a garbage bin

17. Letting kids run around and scream everywhere, in restaurants, buses, airports, airplanes, hotels, offices. Letting them jump on chairs and tables. Oh that's so cute

18. The list goes on and on 

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