Saturday, August 31, 2024

What are some arguments against religious intolerance?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

A statistic I read the other day concerned me — over 58% of all sexual assaults(!) in Sweden are committed by foreign-born citizens.[1] Meanwhile only about 20% of all Swedes are foreign-born or have a foreign-born parent. The percentage of immigrants in rape statistics is… enormously overrepresented.

The vast majority of attackers are of Middle-Eastern and Islamic background. And yes, that’s something we shouldn’t ignore. We should talk about it. Religious tolerance is a great and important thing. And I’m a tolerant man, myself. But we must also call a spade a spade — when a culture is very restrictive towards sex outside of marriage, and very strict, and when it doesn’t hold a very positive view of women in general? You’re in a tough spot. Because you’ll get an entire generation of boys who view women as property more than human beings.

Should we just, sweep it under the rug? Look the other way a little gangs of youngsters up to no good hiss like snakes at young women and girls, following them with their eyes, insulting them and frequently raping them? After all the girls are ‘infidels’ anyway, from infidel nations. In their own home countries rape would get them lynched and now, they find themselves in countries where prisons are hotels and vigilantes more harshly than rapists…


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