Sunday, August 18, 2024

Are there any areas of England that are dangerous for tourists to visit?

Profile photo for Mike Chapman

There is one area of Britain that has more deaths in a year, than the whole of UK by firearms in two. An area that tourists visit in their thousands totally oblivious to the perils just feet away. Where children are deliberately put at risk, and wedding couples pose just inches from oblivion.

Where is this dark and dangerous place? An inner city. a gangster no go area, some outback trail. Nope, take a number 13x bus from Brighton railway station and get off with other tourists at a beauty spot called Birling Gap.

The Seven Sisters are CHALK cliffs, chalk is soft and crumbly, it is susceptible to water damage, it falls by the ton during rough weather, it is very, very dangerous.

There are 80 deaths a year by falling, in this area of East Sussex alone.

Please take care.

EDIT: Another good reason why the Germans would have difficulty invading, these formation guard the British coastline facing France, from Dover to Brighton, with accessible beaches easily identified and defended, sometimes overlooked by armchair historians. Incidentally a nearby river inlet at Cuckmere Haven played an essential role as a decoy for the harbour of Newhaven a few miles up the coast, during night raids by the Luftwaffe.

EDIT2: Never thought a bit of Health & Safety advice would be so well received.

I have always loved this unique area of the South Coast, and hope my warning makes sure visitors, enjoy the spectacular views safely, and at the end of the day leave happy and completely overawed by the absolute power of nature, changing and sculptering the landscape at will.

Perfection in nature is only a 13x bus ride away.

Edit latest 29th March 2024 

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