Thursday, August 15, 2024

What do Filipinos hate the most about the Philippines?

Profile photo for Yesha Croe

My perspective:

1. Hot weather. In summer i just hate it.

2. Many of my fellowmen are bullies. Like school scenario or work scenario there is always someone out there that have the time and action of putting others down. To lift themselves up.

3. Arrogance. again, this is everywhere in my country. Be it rich or poor that sorta trait is very visible. Due to that, people fail to truly connect to others. instead of being kind, people throw a shade on you when you just breathe.

4. Mentality of making a benefit from other people instead of making their own gains.Again, roots to arrogance. I notice people who feel very high of themselves try to be close to people who are an achiever that can benefit them or someone who has a lot of resources(money, assets, high fame, top in hierarchy corporate jobs). They stick like glue to those they can have a positive gain yet step on others who seem of no value to them.

5. Breeding. Many people here are too caught up in illusions of love and lust. Sure its a human thing we need love. but there should be a plan, there should be a commitment. I see kids starving in streets and there are a lot of kids here, many are thin and i bet they didn't ask to be born when they experience such hardships. And you see the “dads” either cant be found, have another love affair and have another children with another women, not married and like be a lazy human being there is to see. It's a common thing here, filipino men just pass their dna as if it's nothing. And Filipinas just accept their fates and carry the burden all throughout their lives.

6. Human cctv. Filipinos tend to see what your up to, even a smallest detail about you and they would talk to their friends about the info they know(what you been doing, career, family life etc) I think this sorta have to do with majority of filipinos are in groups or many cant seem to know what minding their own business means. I know this because be it in work or in shared rental properties its the same pattern. Some of my friends backbite a new person in the area and i tend to change topic and say idk.

7. We have what we call “pakikisama” means togetherness, so if you act like ignoring the other person in new setting and dont engage in talking with the people around you, they would then call you names at your back and make you be like a bad person. When reality, a person prob just want some peace and quiet thats why they dont talk or introverted. And if you cant communicate to others your bad person, It's as if you oblige to entertain another person and give time to that person or people to be labeled good and friendly. But yes maybe in their perspectives social life is a priority but not for all. Tbh i just go with the flow and leave the group setting from time to time. I get drained by people a lot so i move and change places or go back to live alone.

8. Rude people everywhere. Foreigners unlikely to experience it but as filipino sure i meet at least 1 more often. Examples, cashiers. They are very very rude people I understand they have sht work but it is awful to see them trying to use me as their outlet(gaslighting/blaming) i also used to experienced a cashier laughing at my small order.

Another example, there are also people who meddles in your business too even without me asking, i went to the atm and a guy keeps calling me, i didn’t paid him attention first because he was mumbling and thought he was talking to other and i am busy. my sole purpose is to type in my pin code and read whats in the screen that’s all my logic, i cant multi task and entertain other person. He didn’t stopped meddling, keeps shouting that atm is down, i realize it, still my attention in the screen, i tried to cancel my transaction then he suddenly spout rude remarks at me because i didn’t paid him a glance or attention off course i wouldn’t, i can’t leave my transaction on hold just to talk to him i gotta cancel first. I was shock by his behaviour. Then i realize he wasn’t such a good helpful fellow human being, he was just “helping” to get an ego boost. When i can’t give it, he acts like a an adult brat and be rude about it. 

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