Thursday, October 03, 2024

Here are some natural ways by which you can fix hair fall.

Profile photo for Charlie Roy

Here are some natural ways by which you can fix hair fall.

Image: Google sources.

If you keep these food in your diet then your hair will definitely come back.

Hair loss depends on your nutrition.

1 Iron

There should be no iron deficiency in your body. Iron is very important for our hair. Iron is mineral that is important to our health or hair.

its most important function in our body is to aid in the production of red blood cells. this cells carry oxygen(Haemoglobin) around the body via our blood stream to all our tissues and organs including our hair follicles.

Iron Benefits:

  • Iron optimises energy level.
  • nourishes your muscles.
  • helps in increasing immune system.

If you do not have enough iron in your body, you may develop a condition called iron deficiency anaemia. This can cause your hair to shed.

Eat food that contains iron. Iron rich food are given below:

Chicken, meat, Eggs, Fish, pumpkeen seed, Broccoli, Dark chocolate, cauliflower, Spinach.

2. protein(essential nutrition)

A single strand of hair is made up of protein fiber which means that it requires an adequate dose of protein to grow.

If you don’t eat enough protein, your hair is likely to become dry and brittle. Every cell requires protein for life; they are needed for tissue repair and for the construction of new tissue.

Protein rich


chicken, Eggs, fish, soya bean, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, grean peas.

Complete proteins are those that contain all essential amino acids .

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, there are eight essential amino acids that the body does not produce and must be derived from your diet.

Amino acid strengthen your hair.

3. Vitamin-c

Boost immune system.

Vitamin C helps in absorbing iron. So if you are taking iron but not taking vitamin-c, then there is no benefit of taking iron.

Hair cells are the 2nd fastest growing cells in the body .However, hair is a non-essential tissue, so your body will never send nutrients its way if another part of you is lacking. so thats why vitamin-c is important.

Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin as your body cannot make it on its own, nor can it store it. This means Vitamin C needs to be consumed on a daily basis.

Vitamin C Rich food

biotin makes hair healthy. Oranges, lemon, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, Guava, watermelon, kale etc.

4. Biotin

Biotin is very important for our body so eat biotin rich food. which are given below

Meat, eggs, walnuts, sweet potato, nuts and seeds, yeast, salmon, milk , cheese, yogurt, Cauliflower,

5. Scalp massage

Massaging your scalp with a purpose of hair growth requires applying pressure on the scalp using fingers. This is essentially done to increase the blood circulation.

Nutrient travels through blood so blood circulation of scalp is important. massage your scalp twice a week (before bed).

Thank you! 

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