Saturday, October 05, 2024

How skillful are the pickpockets in the touristy parts of Paris?

Profile photo for Shayne Nelson

There are young women, Roms, who come into neighborhoods in Paris in small flocks, with a male sergeant of sorts who keeps them working from a distance. He is never seen near them. They go up to people while carrying a clipboard and say 'Do you speak English?’ To anyone who stops and answers them, they then pretend that their pen doesn't work and use their other line of English, 'Do you have a pen?’

At this point the unwary tourist lady will open her purse to find a pen and oblige this person with the clipboard. At that moment the Rom manipulates the clip board to hide the open purse from view a split second and she or an associate pulls your wallet out of your purse. Yes, very skilful.

If anyone approaches you with a clipboard, step around them and do not stop. And if you see one of these young women near a cash machine or ATM, do not withdraw money there. The Rom young women can generally be spotted by their picturesque, full ankle-length skirts and a certain brashness.

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