Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Why is oatmeal not a healthy breakfast?

Excessive amounts of these items also add many unnecessary calories. Thus, such a practice when overdone becomes unhealthy. Here’s why oatmeal should not be topped with a lot of extras:

1. Sugars Added Such As:

Oatmeal is often bland, and most people feel the need to improve it by adding sugar, honey, or syrup. Forgetting to mention, other flavored or instant oatmeal packets contain excessive amounts of sugar that ruin the nutritional aspect of the meal and make it simply calorie dense food.

Tip: T Read plain oats and add some fruits, cinnamon or honey to sweeten them.

2. Protein Deficiency:

Eating just oatmeal for breakfast has a downside that is an oatmeal is a low protein food, and protein plays a role in muscle repair, fullness, and the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels. With the consumption of only oatmeal, it is possible that satiety would be an elusive thing, and one would find themselves looking for unhealthy snacking options afterward.

Tip: Serve Savoury dishes with protein-responsive toppings, such as Greek yogurt, nuts, and seeds, or even sprinkle on a protein powder to assist in balancing the meal.

3. Portion Sizes:

It is rather tempting to overeat an oatmeal porridge, especially when such accompaniments allow it as nuts, dried fruits, or even peanut butter. This may be problematic especially with calorie control as these large calories may go above the expected/calculated amounts for someone on a diet.

Tip: It is advisable to stick to one serving per two hundred grams (roughly ½ a cup of dry oats). Also exercise caution with high-calorie toppings.

4. Instant Oatmeal vs Whole Oats:

Quick oats or instant oatmeal's are more refined than steel cut or rolled oats. Such oatmeal's have high glycemic indices (GI) which means that the spikes and drop in levels of blood sugar occur rather rapidly.

Tip: When energy is needed for a longer time without elevations in blood sugar levels, opt for steel cooked oats or rolled oat instead.

5. Underpants Oatmeal overload:

Placing nuts, seeds, and other items make the dish healthier in most cases, how about sprinkling nuts or seeds into a bowl of oatmeal into the Suba over here? It has more calories than a single bowl weighs. 

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