Sunday, December 31, 2023

Can I travel anywhere for free?

The first time I traveled internationally I did it completely for free, I didn't pay a single penny.

So How?? I applied for a scholarship abroad, I applied for a program in Taipei, Taiwan, and the scholarship was 100% funded by ICDF.

They paid for all the connecting flights I had to do from my hometown in Nicaragua, one of the scholarship’s benefits was a stipend of US $500 monthly just for personal expenses, tuition, books, insurance, and lodging were all taken care by ICDF.

Saving as much as I could from those $500 plus some part-time jobs I started traveling around Asia.

I believe applying for an international scholarship is a good way to start traveling, especially when you don’t have the resources to do it on your own.

The challenge is, of course, to win the scholarship, and apply for a scholarship program where they cover all or at least most of the travel and living expenses.

Finding the perfect scholarship for you will vary depending on your nationality, the ICDF scholarships are only offered to Taiwan’s allies and there are only a few small countries in the world who fit into that category.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are a good choice to get an education in Europe and travel for free., they even have programs where you have to spend one semester in Spain, the next one in Italy, then another one in the UK, and the final one somewhere else in Europe, and they pay for the travel fees.

To get a scholarship you’ll have to fit different criteria, like having a good grade average, having a certain age, speaking certain languages, getting a TOEFL score of above 80 if your program is in English and you are not a native speaker, or a GMAT if you wanna get a business degree.

It’s definitely a lot of work but is not impossible, and if a regular guy like me from a small third-world country was able to start traveling the world by means of getting a scholarship abroad then you can do it to, it has been definitely a life-changing experience.

After I graduated I found a job in Taipei and I keep on traveling.

Hope this answer helps


Eulises Quintero

A blog about travel and health tips

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