Saturday, December 30, 2023

Luccas Laquintinie

It is rare, but every now and then people seem to misunderstand my writings and choose to send me a rather distasteful message.

Just a reminder that I do not send friend requests, I only accept them... and I do not go anywhere for the sake of promoting myself either (though maybe I should? lol).
Anyone who regrets following me can simply unfollow in silence, you know... this is not an airport so there is no need to announce your departure.
What I seem to have been accused the most is of being selfish, delusional, judgmental, and of thinking of myself to be superior than others - which I find particularly hilarious. But anything disrespectful simply results in being blocked, nothing more, and nothing less.
It sucks, but I do appreciate the opportunity to practice neutrality and not take things personally.
I just think it is a bit amusing when people are more concerned about appearances, and attempt to define themselves, as well as one another - perhaps to get a sense of security and certainty.
When instead we could acknowledge that there is too much we do not know... and even what we think that we know continues to change, as we open ourselves to new perspectives and growth.
So it would seem much more reasonable to be unreasonable, and to simply open ourselves to what is - without getting attached to it, since it continues to flow.
It is paradoxical how this is both a collective and personal experience, how there are levels to it but no one is superior or inferior to another, how both "good" and "bad" are equally valuable as they provide contrast which then allows us to better qualify our choices, priorities and experiences...
It is very easy to get high on our own achievements. But rather than calling anyone out, I just think we could all afford to be a little more playful and relaxed - which does not mean to weaken our commitment. It is just my choice to approach this whole thing in a more casual way, without giving in to extreme emotions of any kind.
All I know is that however, people interpret my writings and the way they choose to respond says a whole lot more about themselves than about me. As for the rest, I agree with my good friend... I truly do not know. Just winging it and seeing what happens!
Which is why I beat the drum of following our intuition and practicing sincerity above all else.
This page exists merely to share my experiences and insights. The books were written to further consolidate the information in a more coherent and practical way - also creating a venue for energy exchange.
"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add that which is particularly your own." (Bruce Lee)
And off to the next breath we go.

Those who pay attention also know that I have never defined myself as anything on this page... not even "vegan" or "hu-man". I talk about what I think and do, but I do not let it define who I am.
Which is the actual point of this post as well as other recent ones... I continue to use the name Luccas out of convenience, but that is not my identity.
At this point in the game, the less attachments we have, the easier things will flow. Many of the tools and stories we relied on the past no longer serve us. Letting go of virtually EVERYTHING with ease and grace has been a major theme for many.
Thank you, goodbye.
PS: letting go does not necessarily mean creating distance or rejecting something - that would be an inverse attachment. It just means not being enslaved to it.

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