Thursday, December 28, 2023

Why did Elvis get so overweight in the 70s even though he was still performing?


Elvis Presley, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, swiveled his way into the hearts of millions. Yet, during the glitzy '70s, the same electric figure who shook up the music world seemed to, well, expand in unexpected ways, even though he was still belting out tunes on stage.

Was it a gargantuan appetite for food? A deep-seated love for peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwiches? Yes, but that's only part of the tableau.

The man was under tremendous pressure. It's easy for us bystanders to forget that celebrities are also humans, grappling with the same demons as the rest of us. Imagine performing night after night, with throngs of fans expecting you to be the supernova that you were in your 20s.

Now, performance requires energy, but balance is key, and Elvis's scales were, no pun intended, tipped. His diet was famed for being calorically extravagant. We're talking about a man who flew a plane to Denver in the middle of the night just to snag a foolhardy sandwich. The Fool's Gold Loaf, a gut-busting concoction of a hollowed-out loaf stuffed with a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly, and a full pound of bacon, was just one of his culinary kryptonites.

On top of the culinary escapades, Elvis's lifestyle wasn't the healthiest. Reports suggest a reliance on a pharmacy's worth of prescriptions to manage various ailments, which likely affected his metabolism. Combine this with a grueling tour schedule, the stress of being 'Elvis Presley,' and a potential lack of proper sleep or exercise. No wonder his waistline expanded like the universe after the Big Bang.

We must remember that as he approached his mid and late 30s, Elvis's body was fighting a battle against time, metabolism, and lifestyle choices. The King’s struggle isn't unique—it encapsulates a larger narrative about the rigors of fame and the human cost it can exact.

In Portland, OR, where I, Scott, live, we’re kind of known for keeping things a bit more laid-back, aiming for a balance in our lifestyle. Hiking in the lush greenery or biking across one of the many bridges here, there’s a vibe that appreciates health without sacrificing enjoyment. Maybe if Elvis had spent some time here, things could've been a bit different.

Despite all this, let's not forget he was still the man who brought rock 'n' roll into the mainstream. Elvis's legacy is about more than his physical shape. It is etched in vinyl and in our cultural memory, a testament to talent, charisma, and the idiosyncrasies that make icons. 

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