Sunday, December 31, 2023

Is Southeast Asia prosperous?

Well, this is a photo of Singapore

This is Hồ Chí Minh in Vietnam

This is Jakarta, Indonesia

This is Bangkok

This is Manila, Philippines

By looking at some of their cities we can tell that there has been some prosperity over the last decades.

If we take a look at some economic forecasts, we can see that in the next 40 years, Asia will lead the global economy-lead by China, India and Japan- as the USA and Europe start a slow fall.

Indonesia and the Philippines -both south east Asian countries- are expected to be part of the Top 10 economies of the world by 2068, Indonesia will have higher GDP than Germany and the Philippines will surpass Turkey.

And I know very well that GDP doesn’t define people’s quality of life, but at least it shows us that there is progress in a country’s economic development and this means that there is indeed prosperity, maybe not for all of its inhabitants but there’s certainly prosperity.

The future is Asian. Asian economies are climbing the ladder faster than any other region of the world.

Indonesia alone has a stronger economy than any country in Latin America, Africa, Oceania and the Middle East

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