Friday, December 29, 2023

Why do so many Filipinos have no shame in asking for money?


I know exactly where you're coming from with this question.

This is the problem I encounter 95% of the time on Filipino gay dating apps (as Cameron knows!), and even Pinoys that I meet online. Not only does it leave you feeling used, but it leaves me struggling to discern who is genuinely into me and who just wants my money.

I attribute it to the fact that there is no social safety net like unemployment pay, or disability benefits, in the Philippines (unlike in the US and UK). There is also the infamous level of corruption amongst the top and middle strata of government and companies. This may lead Filipinos to become incensed at the injustice of it all, and think “there should be something for me" if the wealthy elites cream off vast amounts through bribery or payoffs.

Also, there is chronic and growing inequality in the Philippines, with the wealthy rapidly accumulating more and more; whilst those without are becoming increasingly impoverished.

I would also add that I myself was astonished at the high prices in Cebu, Manila, and even towns. If I, as a westerner finds these prices high, you can just imagine how extortionate and exclusionary they seem to the rest of the populace.

Basically, it's a dysfunctional political economy in the Philippines, without provision for the poor, and with extremely low pay. Even teachers and doctors receive extremely low wages, which is why so many emigrate.

What the Philippines needs is a ‘new deal' similar to Roosevelt in 1933, or Clement Attlee's social welfare provisions of 1945-51..

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